谁能帮我翻译一下这几句英文??? 必有重谢!
问:http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTUzNTI4NDc2.html 请帮我翻译一下这个...
答:Yes, you can 是的,你能 And more importantly, you can become a millionaire by 40 if you led a ground work in your 20 to do it. 更重要的是, 如果你在20-30这个年龄段打下基础,你就能在40岁前成为百万富翁。You know, when you right at the college, you may have dates, you...
2010-12-30 回答者: tfcat33 4个回答
谁能帮我翻译一下这句英语!That's my fav
2012-08-08 回答者: 虚伪的你640 6个回答
问:I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I am when...
答:我爱你,不是因为你是一个怎样的人,而是因为我喜欢与你在一起时的感觉。顺便再送你几句:No man or woman is worth your tears, and the one who is, won't make you cry.没有人值得你流泪,值得让你这么做的人不会让你哭泣。The worst way to miss someone is to be sitting right be...
2009-08-06 回答者: lilianbd 5个回答 3
谁能帮我翻译一下这句英语`? 我急用。
问:Thanks for the message. Currently, I'm at trade show. When I got fr...
2007-04-30 回答者: 8ye 3个回答
问:下面这一段英文,谁帮我翻译一下? Beware the beares of false gifts &...
答:原视频中翻译已经很好了呀,你为什么还要自己翻译,还是原来的翻译好。以下是我的翻译,差不多一样的。Beware the beares of false gifts & their broken promises 要提防他们(带信人)虚假的礼物和不守信的承若 Much pain but still time 有很多痛苦,但仍有时间(去缓解)There is good out there...
2010-08-28 回答者: jlhuang_05 9个回答 4
谁可以帮我翻译一下英文,悬赏80分追加20分,不要用在线翻译直译的,希 ...
问:在我们五彩斑斓的生活中,有这样的一个人…… 她二十四小时工作,全年三百...
答:She works 24 hours every day without a day off in a whole year, she will never retire,while for the return of nothing 她为我们洗又脏又臭的衣服,免费 she washes clothes for us, which are dirty and smelly, she does it for free 她为我们打扫又乱有多灰尘的房屋,免费 she ...
2012-04-21 回答者: 粉粉的猪猪公主 7个回答
谁能帮我翻译一下这句英语什么意思。谢谢 Case No. is invalid!
问:请帮我翻译一下这句英语。 Case No. is invalid! 是什么意思。谢谢各位!
2010-05-26 回答者: 逍遥小小霸王 6个回答 1
答:China's status quo, in China's enterprise management accounting application is not satisfactory. The purpose of this paper on management accounting in enterprise applications that exist in a series of studies to explore the issue and put forward measures to deal with.希望我的回答能帮到...
2008-12-13 回答者: J·MICHAEL 4个回答
答:It was a peaceful city. The people there were kind. They lived a good and enviable[ˈenvi:əbəl] life. However, there were three strange guys arrived.为什么抢劫 为了钱 Rob for what? For money 为什么抢劫 为了生活 Rob for what? For living 为什么抢劫...
2011-03-30 回答者: 1063284878 4个回答 1
问:不要谷歌的翻译,谢谢。 dear leaders: hello! was pleased to particip...
答:我来给您翻译一下吧。说实话,我认为这个英文就是机器翻译出来的,句子颠三倒四,完全没有语法可言。。。好囧啊。。。dear leaders:亲爱的领导 hello!您好!was pleased to participate in your company's human resources recruitment.很高兴参加贵公司的人力资源招聘会。as the car is about to ...
2010-07-27 回答者: myeric990 4个回答 2

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