...哼哼 哼 哼哼 哼~~~歌词不记得,大概JUST WANT XX NEVER I...开头节...
答:be what you wanna be 可能是这首
2012-07-23 回答者: 知道网友 4个回答
一个英文歌,很清脆的那种声音,有一句是I just want to know,
答:一个女音英文歌,很清脆的那种声音,有一句是I just want to know, you'll just know 或者 i just want you to know 好听的英文歌,最好是女声,没有杂音,乐器只有一种,声音很清脆的那种型别,新歌老歌都行 <sunshine girl> <free loop>女声版 <young for you>女声版 <the to...
2022-10-14 回答者: 鲍梦竹 1个回答
一首英文歌歌词大概just want say goodbye 女孩唱的急求 知道的告...
答:i don't want to say goodbye
2011-01-13 回答者: 瑾夏2425 4个回答 1
一首英文歌,女生唱的,歌词里有I just wanna know 还有 figure out,
答:歌曲《Heartbeats》所属专辑: Swings And Roundabouts 歌手: Amy Diamond 歌词:I can't figure out 我搞不清楚 Is it meant to be this way 这是否意味着只能如此 Easy words so hard to say 简单的话语却难以说出口 I can't live without 我不能生存 Knowing how you feel 如果无法触摸到你...
2017-09-10 回答者: lovely萌萌♀ 6个回答 64
一首好听的英文歌,开头忘记了但是中间是just want you say什么的95aL...
问:一首好听的英文歌,开头是什么忘记了但是中间是just want you say什么的...
答:这首好听的英文歌,中间歌词是just want you say,歌名是just for you,是一首动感的英语歌曲Just for you I picked the reddest apple from the tree,我从树上摘下最红的苹果,It was the finest one that I could see,这是我见过的最好的苹果,I saved it all except a bite or two,...
2021-03-01 回答者: boy我最靓 3个回答
...女声部分有点像童声,歌词有“Just want you wanna be"
问:"you never know what I could "歌词不一定能说对!但差不多是这个读音...
答:《Peerless》Darin Zanyar 参考:http://baike.baidu.com/view/813308.htm
2011-07-19 回答者: 朝圣爱情 4个回答 5
想找一首英文歌,歌词是I just want to feel, with **
问:只记得这些歌词了,是一首很沧桑的英文歌,男的唱的 希望大家帮帮忙哦~
答:I just wanna feel real love,feel the home that I live in,I got too much love,running through my veins, going to waste.I just wanna feel real love,in a life ever after There's a hole in my soul,you can see it in my face, its a real big place.(Instrumental)Come and...
2016-12-02 回答者: Love_Horizon 3个回答 8
首英文歌是个女的在 感觉很伤感 叫什么名字
答:1、丹麦说唱组合Nik & Jay - En Dag Tilbage 女声吟唱仿佛天籁,灵动唯美 http://u.xjts.cn/attachments/music/04032528123.mp3 2、Aviation - you were my everything This goes out to someone that was曾经的某个人 Once the most important person in my life是我生命中最重要的一个人 I...
2011-02-22 回答者: 紫嫣悠龄 4个回答
...前几年的歌,就记得一句歌词是I```just want to thank you
问:只记得一句歌词是I````just want to thank you ,是女歌手,好像还是比较...
答:是英国歌手Dido演唱的《thank you》歌词如下:thank you My tea's gone cold,i'm wondering why i got out of bed at all the morning rain clouds up my window and i can't see at all and even if i could it'd all be grey,but your picture on my wall it reminds me that it'...
2016-02-08 回答者: be_with_you007 2个回答 13
抖音上一首英文歌 开头是baby you you you i just want get you ...
答:词曲:玛丽亚·凯莉,Bryan-Michael Cox,阿多尼斯·什罗普夏,肯德里克·迪恩 演唱:玛丽亚·凯莉 Baby, I stay in love with you 亲爱的, 我依然爱着你 Dying inside cause I can't stand it 在内心中如果爱变得衰退是因为我无法忍受 Make or break up 勉强或是分手 Can't take this madness ...
2020-09-04 回答者: 晓龙修理 4个回答 6

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