
百度认证:校库网官方账号,教育领域创作者,金牌企业,本地资讯创作者 4619回答 36赞

问:观点: 学习时间方面:住校不能自由安排时间;容易被干扰;不住校不会受...
答:If you don't live on campus, you won't be disturbed. You will have more personal time, but you will lack some communication experience.在上学的时候住校和不住校是有很大区别的,住校的话在交通上来说是很方便的,也就是不用花时间从家里到学校。但是住校有很多规定会束缚住自己,不能自...
2021-11-01 回答者: 希望有好大学读 2个回答
答:believes that it is more harm than good to live off campus. I would like to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of renting a house off campus.The advantages could be as follows. First of all, time management is easier if living off campus, because students can make their o...
2014-11-18 回答者: 超级xiesq 1个回答
答:If is very consciously student, and independence ability is strong, the dormitory, homes are same, will make a commitment to learn.译文 大学住校的利与弊 住校可以提高自立能力,我平时衣服父母洗,饭父母做,啥也不愁。上大学,离开家了才知道自己什么都不会。住校让我学会了很多,而且和同学...
2012-01-01 回答者: 兔年限量版xyz 1个回答 13
答:1.have more time to study 2.needn't to waste time in the way to school or home everyday 3.to practise our self-independent in dealing with things The disadvantage:1.without the parents' control,some students can't study hard 2.the study environment has been changed, some stu...
2017-11-26 回答者: cn#BBLuBVVVpf 4个回答 22
住校的好处 英语作文
答:Benefits:There will be more time to study;Contribute to our ability to communicate;it improve our independence.Disadvantages:There are many provisions within schools accommodation,without enough free
2020-03-03 回答者: 节攸荤光华 1个回答 2
跪求一篇大学英语作文 题目大学生住校的利与弊
答:"We send him to boarding schools, is to want to let him get exercise, let him learn in school family in independence, dad and thought that he would get so ugly." Jiaming mother ms wong says, just began, the children were weeping, every time back as I grew older, the ...
2010-11-21 回答者: 67702666 4个回答 7
英语作文the advantage and disadvantage of staying at home迅速的啊...
答:Disadvantages:1.You may miss your parents and relatives if you live in the dormitory for a long time.缺点:1.如果你长期住校可能会想念你的父母和亲人 school students' doing a part-time job.第二种对于大学或高中生打工这一现象,校园里进行着广泛的争论。By taking a major-related part-...
2012-06-26 回答者: linyangwd 1个回答 6
答:Whether Students Should be Non-residential or Not Recently, many people discuss about whether students should be non-resitential or not. Generally speaking, both ways have the benefit and unconvenient sides.In my opinion, all the students should be resitential.Firstly, if the students ...
2015-08-04 回答者: 娜莉China 1个回答 2
住校好处 通校好处 英语作文70个单词 求作文带翻译~~
答:Dear Editor:I am writing to you to ask about your idea on whether I should live in the school or go back home every day after school.At the beginning of the new term,my teacher asked me to live in the dormitory of the school,since our school is a boarding school.He ...
2015-04-15 回答者: 知道高高手无敌 1个回答 2
答:another person might perceive time as a hand on a clock that moves along minute by minute, validating each change as a sequence of time.It is utmost important to understand that the concept of time is not easy to explain and not easy to comprehend; even among each other. Espec...
2015-05-06 回答者: 知道网友 1个回答 6

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