答:Good morning, everybody!Boys and girls, there are times I feel lonely. There are times I feel frustrated. There are times I feel depressed. There are times I feel angry. There are times I feel confused. I have been searching for guidance. I have been searching for instructio...
2007-01-13 回答者: maryswallow 2个回答
答:Good evening ,Ladies and Gentlemen:晚上好,女士们,先生们: Thank you very much fou choosing to come in such a cold night.Today my topic is about choice and process.A research shows that a man has to make 73 choices one day.With so many choices one day, people easily get ...
2013-07-08 回答者: 知道网友 1个回答 2
答:perseverance perseverance坚定不移 steadfastness坚定 renowned 有名的 momentous 重要的 consolidate巩固 count 有价值 stamina 毅力 sticker 不屈不挠的人 outlast 比---持久 sprinter短跑者 Perseverance means steadfastness in purpose. It is perseverance that keeeps us continually doing...
2013-07-12 回答者: 知道网友 1个回答
问:主题: an impressive place that you have been to(一个你去过超级棒的...
答:篇一:The best place I've been toI have been to a water conservation science and technology museum!Attack is the best place I have ever been to!Tickets are not too expensive to play also very happy!I played many interesting little game, in the happy at the same time also ...
2015-09-12 回答者: 昨天过去的我 1个回答 2
答:1、Do you know what is youth?2、How do you master your youth?Youth Youth is not a time of life it is a state of mind ; it is not rosy cheeks red lips and supple knees it is a matter of the emotions : it is the freshness ; it is the freshness of the deep springs...
2011-10-16 回答者: 沙哑r 2个回答 5
急求高中英语演讲稿 5分钟 带中文
答:这是第九届全国英语演讲比赛第一名洪晔的演讲稿,内容比较积极向上,平时我们常拿来作范文,您可以参考一下:The Doors that are Open to Us Good morning ladies and gentlemen:The title of my speech today is "The Doors that Are Open to Us ".The other day my aunt paid me a visit. ...
2012-04-09 回答者: 津津乐道吧 1个回答 6
急求高中英语演讲稿 速求,这两天就要了
问:急求高中英语演讲稿,要有新意一点的,也不要太难了 一定要记住,新颖的...
答:disadvantages.First of all, the Internet has brought people great convenience in getting information, entertainment and contact with each other. As for our students, it is a useful tool when we meet problems. When we are tired, a piece of light music will help us relax. If we...
2010-10-09 回答者: zgbaol 2个回答 4
问:要控制在两分钟以内的。 要有一个内容要有激励,励志,或者美好品质的名...
答:1——"Never stop dreaming of success"As school kids, we have many dreams. These dreams can be very big, or they can be small.Once you have found a dream, what do you do with it? Have you ever tried to make your dream real?An Australian author Andrew Matthews tells us ...
2017-09-01 回答者: 别想知道我名字 3个回答 49
问:演讲稿水平范围:要高中水平 演讲稿内容范围:1、青春 2、感恩与责任 3...
答:关于地震的英语演讲稿:地震·爱·感恩如嫌多,可以自己摘取其中部分,后面是中英文对照Earthquake love Thanksgiving Human love, love compatriots, and in a race against time. We believe that life can not be separated by mountains and rivers of love, can not be buried ruins of the love of life, he...
2008-11-16 回答者: 古天涯 3个回答 2
问:急求两份高一英语演讲稿啊!要原创的,题目是we are the hope of our coun...
答:看你也够急的,哈哈 We are the hope of our country Hello,boys and girls,Now I'd like to give you a qustion "Who is the future of our country "definetly the answer is us and why.With the development of economic and politics , Humanbeing ...
2007-10-17 回答者: Cocacola2008 1个回答

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