《心灵捕手》的冠后感英文80字 急
答:观后感:A film that simply talks about psychotherapy, unlike most other films, which only use psychotherapy as background or embellishment. Leading by characters, it is a perfect successful case of helping others and self-help.一部单纯讲述心理治疗的电影,而不像其他大多数影片那样仅把心...
2021-09-10 回答者: z625611733 3个回答 1
答:This is a young spread in our ears in the story: It is very exciting and interesting. And a beautiful name called Snow White.Snow is a lovely little girl, even the evil Queen of the Mirror, she has to admit that the future will be the world's most beautiful woman.Vanity ...
2013-08-21 回答者: 知道网友 1个回答 34
答:This film tells us a story about how a common panda becomes a real dragon warrior.这个电影为我们讲述了一个平凡的熊猫怎么成为一个真正的龙武士的。At the beginning,the Master Shifu did not believe that the panda can be a courageous dragon warrior.起初,师傅不相信熊猫能成为勇敢的龙武...
2011-08-29 回答者: 丹妮121 1个回答 55
英语电影观后感 50字
答:英文电影:阿甘正传观后感(中英文对照)阿甘有自己的坚持,他不断地跑步,JUST RUNS. 他跑步不为任何理由。他说:"人要往前看,千万不要被过去拖累。我想我跑步就是这个意义”和过去告别,不停留在原处。也许这世界上太多人随拨逐流,很少人会坚持做一件事,阿甘坚持自己的坚持,于是他成了“神”。...
2017-11-26 回答者: 知道网友 3个回答 132
答:范文:"Good will hunting" is indeed a very good film, the hero is a very talented but there is the math wiz of psychological barriers, the other main character is the hero of lovers, the beautiful female talent harvard a friend.《心灵捕手》确实是一部很不错的电影作品。主人公是...
2021-09-07 回答者: 霂棪 3个回答 10
答:头脑特工队英文观后感:皮克斯动画力作《头脑特工队》终于在国内上映了。这部在北美口碑和票房齐飞的年度动画显然靠的不仅仅是卖萌。该片以成长为主题,从小女孩莱利脑袋中的五个情绪小人说起,一反传统儿童电影非黑即白的套路,让孩子看着看着笑了,让人大人看着看着哭了。Every time I saw the poster ...
2021-08-12 回答者: 一条酸菜鱼h 4个回答 22
答:1.《寻梦环游记》观后感英文60字左右 Today, at the recommendation of our teacher, I watched the " dream ring travel notes", a film produced jointly by Walter Disney film studio and Pixar animation studio.The film mainly tells the story of Miguel, a music-loving boy, and eckerto, a down-...
2023-03-10 回答者: 魍魉JJW 1个回答 1
答:《勇敢的心》观后感Set in the late 13th century, 'Braveheart' is the story of one of Scotland's greatest national heroes Sir William Wallace. leader of the Scottish resistance forces during the first years of the long, ultimately successful struggle to free Scotland from English rule... Cruciall...
2009-08-27 回答者: wow0pop 5个回答 5
答:一篇:《拯救大兵瑞恩》Saving Private Ryan Saving Private Ryan is a film which was directed by Steven Spielberg. The two main charactrs are Captain John Miller,played by Tom Hanks, and private James Ryan,played by Matt Damon.James Ryan is the fourth brother to be involed in ...
2014-05-28 回答者: tony罗腾 1个回答
答:肖申克的救赎观后感英文:I have always heard that "The Shawshank Redemption" is a very good film, when I have watched it; I thought the film is very successful.In Shawshank prison, there was a man called Andy. He was innocent .So he was always looking for opportunities to ...
2021-12-23 回答者: 一条酸菜鱼h 1个回答 23

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