英语高手们帮我翻译一下这个句子成英文的吧: 我这种人,解决问题的...
答:您的中文意思都没有表达清楚啊,如果您的意思是说把自己“置之死地而后生”的话,那么可以这么翻译:I am that kind of person whose way of solving a problem is to put himself into a desperate situation.我的答案比楼上好在于我的表达很美式,而且句中没有逗号,这是受过教育的人们的表达方...
2011-07-25 回答者: 母语是英语 4个回答
急!英语高手们、麻烦帮个忙哈 、请翻译一下这段话 后天英语演讲要用...
问:这个世界上有三个“苹果”。 第一个苹果,被夏娃吃了。 第二个苹果,砸到...
答:有了第一个苹果,才有了牛顿,才有了乔布斯,也才有了我们。The first apple before, the Newton, just had jobs, also just had us.有了第二个苹果,才有了牛顿三大定律,才有了万有引力,也才有了微积分。With the second apple before, the Newton three laws, just have the gravitation, ...
2011-10-12 回答者: myz517 6个回答 1
问:1.我们所有的课程4:30结束. 2我想参加英语演讲比赛. 3.我们学校旅游需要...
答:8.He often takes a bath before having breakfast
2006-01-03 回答者: ytyburt 2个回答
问:To get supplies to Anderson and his men, a ship would have to fight...
2005-08-09 回答者: tire 3个回答
问:1.Education is not an end, but a means to an end. 2.The revolution ...
答:21She is an experienced teacher; she certainly has a way with the children.他是一个有经验的老师,他肯定有办法对付这些孩子们。22Though we've made some progress, we still have a long way to go.尽管我们取得了一些进步,但是我们还有很长的路要走。
2007-06-22 回答者: susanash 2个回答
答:能够遇到你是我这辈子最开心的事。it's most happiest that be able to meet you in my life.我想我以后再也遇不到像你这样如此让我动心的男人了。i think i never meet the man that made my mind disturbed like you.我希望我们能永远幸福的走下去,并且携手创造好的未来,也要谢谢你在我...
2008-07-22 回答者: 知道网友 4个回答
...请问哪个高手能帮我很好的翻译一下这个句子,感激不尽啊!!谢谢_百 ...
答:Because the landform varies so dramatically in Provence, it endows extraordinary charm in this place, that is, unpredicted weather of both warm sunshine and cold strong winds; ebb and flow in terrain such as vast plain, steep mounts, quiet gorges, desolate old castles, continuos ...
2012-05-09 回答者: 金莺喵呜 3个回答
问:First, there are those words with which we become familiar in ordin...
答:这里,with which是一个介词加which,这是定语从句的其中一种用法:介词+which。因为本来词组是be familiar with stn.而从句中with要提到which前所以就是这样的用法了 然后that is to say是一个插入语,表示 也就是说,本来理解后半句应which we learn from the members of our own family and ...
2011-10-15 回答者: Greeen203 3个回答 1
问:1.They will have been married for 20 years by then. 2.I shall have ...
答:3.He has been trying to pass the exam all month.整个月,他都在为通过考试而努力。4.I have been looking for my lost book for three days,but I still haven’t found it.连续三天,我都在寻找丢掉的书,但到现在依旧一无所获。5.He said he had been losing a lot of weight.(...
2011-03-30 回答者: Marine灬峰 5个回答 2
问:fundraisers may deal with gifts that will not come to the organizat...
2011-07-10 回答者: 24264226 1个回答

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