答:大学英语道歉信 篇1 Directions: You are invited to a dinner at a friends house,but you are not able to attend because of the preparation for a coming examination. Write a letter to your friends to express your apology,explain your reason,and suggest a meeting at another time. You should w...
2022-07-17 回答者: 於山菱 1个回答
答:Dear___,I am writing to express my heartfelt gratitude to you for ___.If it had not been for your assistance in giving me aid and ___, I fear that ___. /Without your help, I would not have done___ .During the ___, you have given me generous help and continuous...
2022-12-22 回答者: OfferComing留学 1个回答
答:篇一:英语道歉信 Dear Kate: Excuse me for my long delaying in returning to you your “Robinson Crusoe” which I read through with great interest. I had finished reading the book and was about to return it when my cousin came to see me. Never having seen the book, She...
2022-07-20 回答者: 天宇aiV3 1个回答
答:英语道歉信带翻译一:Dear Charlie,Kindly excuse me for my not being able to see you off at the airport this Saturday as I have promised. A major business partner of our company will be attending an important conference in Xiamen this weekend, and my boss finally chooses me to ...
2022-02-17 回答者: 棠萼home 19个回答 1
答:大学英语道歉信范文篇一 dear,i am terrible sorry for not having attended your class on time. because i had got a headache for several days and it is my first time to live in chongqing and i can not suit for the weather here quickly.to be honestly, i like learning english ...
2022-10-15 回答者: 魍魉JJW 1个回答
答:高中英语作文道歉信范文篇1 Dear Tom,I’m very sorry that I can’t go on a trip to Beijing with you next weekend, which I have promised you.I’m writing to tell you the reason for it.(topic)Just now, my cousin, Li Ming, who went abroad for further ...
2022-05-26 回答者: 折翼的小2B41 1个回答
答:Love,Li Ming 译文:亲爱的史密斯先生和夫人:我现在安全健康地回到了中国。通过这封信,我想表达我对于您二位和你们可爱的孩子们衷心的感谢,感谢您对我纽约之行的热情招待。你们的慷慨和对我的关心使我此行更加愉快,而我的第一次美国之行也因此变成了美好的回忆。我非常希望你们能在将来访问中国,...
2017-11-21 回答者: 猫萌萌21 4个回答 14
答:1. Opening of an apology letter(道歉信开头)1) I am writing to apologize for …我写信的目的是就……向你道歉。2) I am terribly sorry, but…我非常抱歉,但是……3) Thank you for …, but I am sorry to say that…谢谢您……但是我很遗憾地说……4) I regret to inform you ...
2022-05-31 回答者: 天宇狋銐1 1个回答
答:有关于英语的感谢信模板范本1 Dear Laura,I was truly enraptured beyond expression to receive your flowers which turned our living room into a garden. How considerate and wonderful of you to remember my birthday. You just couldn't have selected anything I had have liked more! You ...
2022-06-30 回答者: 天宇aiV3 1个回答
答:英语道歉信在开头简单交代对何事进行道歉,在第二段解释事情发生的原因,消除误会或矛盾。最后再次表示遗憾和歉意,表明愿意补救的愿望,提出建议或安排。英语道歉信双语范文如下:Dear Anna,亲爱的安娜:Thank you for inviting me to have lunch with you and your family tomorrow evening. However, I ...
2021-04-04 回答者: Ljhffvv 2个回答 1

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