答:I still remember , once I felt very low , I walked alone on the mountain. When I saw my friend Mike and my cousin Allen from the moutain ,I forgot the sad thing soon.I went to climb the mountain till the top with them happily .终于写完了,希望能帮到你!
2011-11-11 回答者: 学能—刘冰冰 3个回答 1
答:熬夜:to stay up 对...有益:is beneficial to 对...有害:is harmful to 吃药:to take madicine 感到困倦:to feel weary 感到可怕:to feel terrified 做早操:to do morning exercises 饭前洗手:to wash hands before you eat 刷牙:to brush teeth 在阳光下:in the sun 看报纸:to ...
2011-07-18 回答者: wooooooolf 4个回答
答:中英互译翻译,即指中文和英文两种语言进行互相翻译,使得两个国家的人可以进行正常的沟通和交流,从而去了解另一个国家的风土人情以及文化信仰等方面。常见的互译软件 1、中译英: deepL 专业翻译都会用的翻译工具,尤其很多专业性强的文章也能准确翻译,除中英互译外,小语种和英文的互译也做得很好。2、...
2022-03-27 回答者: 真个是不会起名 2个回答
答:Said to any country that, National Day all is extremely grand but thespecial holiday, must carry on all kinds of celebration or thecommemorative activity, stimulates populace's patriotic enthusiasm,the enhancement country cohesive force.But, the various countries National Day not only the...
2006-10-05 回答者: NCJT 4个回答 2
能帮我翻译一下啊!!!拜托啦!!!俺很急的 中文翻成英文就好了_百度知 ...
问:1.房子着火了,里面的人面临着死亡的危险。 2.他买不起这么好的房子。 3...
答:1. The house is on fire, inside man faced with the risk of death.2. He can't afford such a good house.3 this idea is up maybe some strange, but it's really something.4. John looks a good man, even so, I still don't trust him.5 if he started talking about the ...
2009-06-20 回答者: tijue 4个回答 4
问:我国农村社会保障制度研究—分析农村保障制度、困境及对策 摘要:社会保...
答:译:China's rural social security system-analysis of the rural security system Abstract : Problems and Solutions Social security is for all the citizens of our country lost their source of income for various reasons, are living in poverty, to provide them protection. Mandatory social ...
2007-04-09 回答者: 天天中考 2个回答 1
问:翻译以下中文 北京的天气好晴朗 第一天 我将踏上长城.穿过烽火台.到长城...
答:第三天.我跨进北京故宫.从宏伟的紫禁城经过.在北京的天坛上采野花 The third day, I entered the summer palace, passed through the big forbidden city, and I picked wild flowers in Beijing's temple.第四天.最后一天的游玩.我把全部精力都放在写日记上.记下在北京前三天的点点滴滴 (觉得用...
2007-12-29 回答者: cyhgogo 5个回答 7
答:令我惊讶的是,他不仅愿意帮我开发我的网站,还愿意为我设计产品的商标。5. This small company offers network service, and it develop a website that is not expensive for small businesses.这家小公司提供网络服务,并专门为小企业开发花费不高的网站。6. The young cngineer submitted Tom's ...
2019-03-28 回答者: caojianting 3个回答 2
答:由于计算机能高速、准确地进行运算,因此,人们往往需要花费数天、数年时间甚至一辈子才能完成的计算任务,计算机只需很短时间就能完成。 在学校和政府机关,每天都涉及大量数据的统计与分析,有了计算机,工作效率就大大提高了。在工厂,计算机为工程师们在设计产品时,提供了有效的辅助手段,现在,人们...
2010-04-08 回答者: 丫邇 6个回答
答:Technology Agreement To meet the development needs of Party A production by 5.2 x78m Party A Party B to provide German cement rotary kiln Baker (BEKA) FAZ - GSP-4 Original spray lubrication system, the consultation between the two sides reached an agreement the following:First, by...
2007-10-15 回答者: 浅馨 8个回答 4

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