《阿基拉和拼字比赛》电影观后感 介绍阿基拉 英语有翻译
2021-09-01 回答者: 超级晨雾的光 4个回答 3
答:肖申克的救赎观后感英文:I have always heard that "The Shawshank Redemption" is a very good film, when I have watched it; I thought the film is very successful.In Shawshank prison, there was a man called Andy. He was innocent .So he was always looking for opportunities to ...
2021-12-23 回答者: 一条酸菜鱼h 1个回答 23
答:The hero of this film is a little boy MiG who wants to be a musician, and hopes that he can create touching music like his idol Drakus, but his family has always forbidden people to touch music.这部电影的主人公是个小男孩米格一心想成为音乐家,更希望自己能和偶像德拉库斯一样,...
2021-03-11 回答者: 姬觅晴baby 2个回答 135
答:Today, in the sun, after watching the classic film, windtalker, it was a shock, a film full of men, that did some of the warmth of war. Nicolas plays Qiao · andesen, a soldier with a mission and a mission, fighting to kill for that promise, but the end is tragic He...
2018-03-02 回答者: 星空1231 2个回答 11
答:4. 求英文电影观后感(英语作文) 喜剧动物片 101真狗my personal favorite "101D" medium is Disney's "101 Dalmatians: the Series". It bines many themes of the existing material (Dodie Smith book, 1961 and 1996 movies). But still does its own things, too.Our main pups include brave Lucky, ...
2022-11-18 回答者: 哈說與丶255 1个回答
求三篇英文电影的观后感 用英语写(30词)
答:电影《阿甘正传》观后感:Last night,I saw a great film,Forrest Gump.I am greatly impressed by this film,by the stories of Forrest Gump.Forrest Gump was born in a small village.He was born mentally retarded,and he was discriminated by others.But his mother is a strong female who...
2021-09-01 回答者: 荸膻 2个回答 4
答:Peter parker school since his parents died, with the beloved mei leeuz uncle Ben and live together in queens, New York. Peter had a common student life, in newspapers as a photographer, like the beauty of Mary and Jane Watson - - often with friend Henry - osborne wandering ...
2018-05-13 回答者: cn#GkkBVQGGLB 1个回答 9
求3篇 欧美 经典电影观后感 英文 最好是《阿甘正传》和《小鬼当家》的...
答:Forrest Gump Show the agreement between the huge history and the personal experiences, it's a epic about American politics from the little experience perspective . In the film Forrest gump is Intellectual disability. But every plots in this story are reflected his essentially kind, ...
2011-01-30 回答者: 飞天狻猊 1个回答 23
答:《西游降魔篇》Westward journey prevailed over evils.2013年的大年初一,周星驰的《西游降魔篇》终于上映了,看来周星驰的这部电影让人感慨很多,此前看过很多周星驰的电影,对于周星驰也是很喜爱。 在《西游降魔》里,许多物件儿执着不变,物易神存:《一个演员的自我修养》变成了《儿歌三百首》,“还我...
2014-02-15 回答者: 读心术888 1个回答
问:初一的水平,不要太难的 大概10句话左右 最好是看过这个部电影,然后临...
答:At last, I hope everyone cheirsh his family forever, and love them all his life.我们没办法生活在没有爱的世界,尤其是来自家庭的爱。有时候我们好像很幸运,例如有点钱或者好机会,就像查理在电影中遇见的一样。然而我们不能放弃我们家庭的爱去换取金钱或其他。因为家庭是一个欢乐或哭泣的领地...
2018-03-31 回答者: YwL1n 8个回答 65

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