英语 作文 暑假你在北京参加英语夏令营 你在夏令营学了些什么
答:I went to an English Summer Camp this summer vacation in Beijing.It's really a good chance to improve my English. I ate, lived, learnt and played with my foreign teachers and my classmates for about three weeks. In the morning, we had a four-hour-class about speaking ...
2014-06-10 回答者: 知道网友 1个回答 1
答:During everyone's daily life,you might meet some different kinds of experience. i have to admit that my twenty-day summer camp in America is such a wonderful and amazing trip.At first,i did feel excited but worried about the coming camp.The reason why is that on the one hand...
2013-03-24 回答者: Gail辉 2个回答 1
问:写作要点1擅长运动,参加篮球队及比赛,学会与队友合作 2喜爱英语 参加...
答:Hello, everyone!I am Li Hua. I have learnt a lot on the English Summer Camp.I am good at sports, so I joined the basketball team. We had a basketball match with another team. At last our team won the match. Through the match I learned worked with the teammates. I was ...
2012-03-03 回答者: 知道网友 1个回答 36
书面表达。 你参加了一次中英中学生联谊夏令营(summer camp),请根...
问:书面表达。 你参加了一次中英中学生联谊夏令营(summer camp),请根据下列...
答:One possible version: During the summer holidays I took part in a school summer camp. There we made some new friends who were senior students from Britain. As host, we showed them around many places of interest in Beijing, such as the Summer Palace, the Palace Museum and...
2014-09-17 回答者: 花香AkRl 1个回答
...英语作文:暑假期间你参加了一个中学生环保夏令营 内容要点: 节约用...
问:要初四的 鲁教版 在线等
答:the first and foremost in an interview is that you should show out your ability and to prove to the interviewer that you are the best candidate and your landing the job could bring the company more benifits.40 2.be a little bit humble , don't give the interviewer the ...
2011-10-31 回答者: 1187056686 3个回答 4
答:世界也开始倾听中国了,下午的时候老师们通常会带学生们做一些实践活动,因为他们认为实践是最好的老师。在美国,老师们更加注重学生的品行,他们认为一个人可以学习不好,但一定要拥有良好的品行。在这次夏令营中,我认识到了中美学生的差异,也更让我坚定要好好学习,将来报效祖国,使祖国更加强大 ...
2017-09-16 回答者: Perfect小资 2个回答 27
...岁, 暑假你将参加学校组织的赴北京的夏令营活动。请你用英语写_百度...
问:假设你是一名来自雅安的中学生李红,今年14 岁, 暑假你将参加学校组织的...
2015-01-01 回答者: 光辉247wxv 1个回答 3
答:1,Dream is what makes you happy, even when you are just trying.梦想就是一种让你感到坚持就是幸福的东西。2,When you feel like giving up, remember why you held on so long in the first place.每当你想要放弃的时候,就想想是为了什么才一路坚持到现在。3,Remember what should be ...
2015-10-26 回答者: 淘宝so宅女格调 1个回答
答:1,Dream is what makes you happy, even when you are just trying.梦想就是一种让你感到坚持就是幸福的东西。2,When you feel like giving up, remember why you held on so long in the first place.每当你想要放弃的时候,就想想是为了什么才一路坚持到现在。3,Remember what should be ...
2015-10-25 回答者: 断鹰攀崖 1个回答
答:参考范文:Good afternoon,everybody,I’m very pleased to be here to talk about my English reading.As we all know,reading plays an important part in learning a language.It’s very necessary to read a lot.In the past,I often borrowed books from the library.At the beginning...
2019-03-02 回答者: 堵耘汗雨竹 1个回答

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