答:将原文中的一些具体事物或概念与目标语中的类似事物或概念联系起来,以便于读者理解。合并法:将中文句子“他喜欢唱歌。他也喜欢跳舞”翻译成英文,成为“He likes singing and dancing”,将原文中的两个简单的句子合并成一个更为简洁的句子,以便于目标语读者理解。吐血整理,希望对大家有所帮助
2023-09-15 回答者: 博爱_广推 1个回答
答:Move the mouse control owls, mouse button shooting, the owls are not afraid of bullets hurt. WASD control the fat cat mobile, fat cat to eat dessert can press the space bar after the launch of laser waves. With arrows in the box with your mouse and drag 希望能帮上你!
2009-08-24 回答者: zxl88916857 4个回答 13
答:translate Chinese into English(望采纳,有问题欢迎追问^_^)
2016-05-28 回答者: 郑景轩00 1个回答 2
答:4、百度翻译:会话翻译,支持中文普通话、粤语、英语的语音识别,直接对着手机说话就能翻译成目标语言,并通过手机朗读出来,达到同声翻译的效果。5、蚂蜂窝旅行翻译官:多语言双向翻译,是出行的好帮手。6、谷歌翻译:Google 的免费翻译服务可提供简体中文和另外 100 多种语言之间的互译功能,可让您即时翻译...
2022-11-23 回答者: OfferComing留学 1个回答 1
问:第一句:这句话用中文来讲是~~~ 帮我把叔叔,阿姨的英语翻译给我 第...
答:第一句:这句话用中文来讲是~~~in chinese, this sentence means...帮我把叔叔,阿姨的英语翻译给我 help me to translate what uncle and aunt said into Chinese 第二句:这些是我妈妈做的中国菜,请您品尝!This is chinese food my mother cooked.Help yourselves 第三句:请问您吃饱了吗...
2008-07-19 回答者: 冷月无声825 5个回答 2
答:Could you help me put the Chinese into English?真是的,我还以为只有个标题要翻译呢,搞了半天才补充出来。Everyone here knows the significance of English for a student majoring in International Business and Trade,Today, I want to talk something about how to learn English well with the...
2010-11-21 回答者: happy_chan000 4个回答
问:键盘方向键控制战机移动,按空格键射击,A S D 键扔炸弹,对空导弹和放导...
答:use the direction keys( 不过一般都说成 left,right,up,down keys) to move the fighter press the space bar to fire.A,S,D key to release bombs , AA missiles and rockets.( pick up those weapon first )
2009-08-24 回答者: RayCrow 4个回答 1
问:翻译内容: 深圳市宝安区观兰镇田背村精艺工业区
答:Treasure in the Shenzhen City Anne's area view farmland in the orchid town carry the village 精 skill industrial area on treasure in the Shenzhen City Anne's area view farmland in the orchid town's back 参考资料:金山词霸
2007-08-25 回答者: 心冰灵瑶 4个回答
问:一年了 吃了一年的巧克力 味道还是甜丝丝的~甜蜜的味道真好
答:一年了 A year the chocolate 吃了一年的巧克力 Have eaten chocolate for a year 味道还是甜丝丝的~甜蜜的味道真好 Flavour still is that happy sweet flavour is really good
2009-11-16 回答者: 越前永夜 5个回答
答:When Tank forward, you need to drive the armed helicopter escort for the troops, combat and eradicate the enemy forces en route.WASD keys will control helicopter move, the mouse will take aim and fire. 1-4 Key switch between different weapons....
2009-08-24 回答者: mayflower2009 4个回答 1

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