问:“Jack 是一个青少年,最近他感到很烦,因为他生病了。老师和同学们希望他...
答:Jack 是一个青少年,最近他感到很烦,因为他生病了。老师和同学们希望他早日康复。为了保持健康,他积极参加各种锻炼。翻译英文是:Jack is a teenager, and he's been very upset recently because he's ill. Teachers and students hope that he will recover soon. In order to keep healthy, ...
2019-03-06 回答者: 耶律之家 2个回答 2
答:" Attack on Titan" is a blood Japanese anime , launched in April 2013 . It tells the story of two thousand years ago, the giant prey on humans , so humans huge towering walls erected to prevent the giants aggression. But one day , the giants finally crossed the wall , ...
2013-11-09 回答者: 79061301 3个回答 3
...帮忙翻译一下 翻译成英语。 急用 很急! 麻烦了 非常感谢!!!_百度...
问:急呀! 麻烦了 !别依靠翻译工具。万万分感谢!!! 尊敬的校领导: 您好! ...
答:Dear School Leaders:Hello!First of all thank you for your busy schedule to put themselves forward for taking the time to read my materials, and wish your organization the cause of success.My name is ... Yes .. my Institute Foreign Language Department of English Education, a ...
2009-03-21 回答者: 日奈森亚美1996 5个回答 1
有学习英语的同学吗。 麻烦帮我翻译一下吧!
问:sometimes in life you feel the fight is over, and it seems as thoug...
2011-08-19 回答者: 1990101516 2个回答
答:we all felt very thirsty. Our teacher was so good to us that he/she bought drinks for us!对了亲,你这是自己的作业么?上次我就帮你回答了。如果是自己的作业的话,还是自己多多练练笔比较好哦!=== 如果还有问题,欢迎追问。如果满意请采纳为满意答案。
2013-01-30 回答者: tlyedison 7个回答 1
问:认识莎莎的第三天也是第三次见面,在公园的湖边无意中完成了一个杰作 之...
答:nice!I talked to Shasa that this photo was better than anything chummy or erotic because it could provid people imagination and reverie.--- 这是我自己翻译的,呵呵 希望对楼主有帮助.
2009-01-21 回答者: FEIGE_MINGE 5个回答 4
答:i have been in college for one year,during which i learned a lot.we can do what we want to do .take me for example,i love art very much so that i often go to the computer room in our college to enjoy music and moives .what's more,i have learn how to love each ...
2006-06-19 回答者: 小丫头片儿 2个回答 1
问:尊敬的各位领导、各位老师、亲爱的同学们; 晚上好! 秋光绚丽,金风送...
答:you will become our Champion of English Speech Competation.After all Thank you for everyone tonight, and thank you once again to our judges and all the people that support tonight's event. And Goodbye everyone!希望能帮到你~翻译里可能会有拼写错误的单词,我没有时间去检验~很抱歉~...
2008-11-06 回答者: maple1736 12个回答 11
英语好的可以帮我翻译一下吗?谢谢! 我兴趣广泛,希望在学校可以学习到基...
问:英语好的可以帮我翻译一下吗?谢谢! 我兴趣广泛,希望在学校可以学习到...
答:I am interested in a wide range, in the hope that the school can learn the basic knowledge and some life skills. Hope I can get on well with our classmates! Words at ordinary times, the spare time to participate in extracurricular activities, if you can, I want to organize ...
2015-03-24 回答者: ygw1987610 3个回答
答:翻译:当你在外国旅游时,知道如何礼貌地寻求帮助是很重要的。For example, you may ask”Where are the restrooms?" or"Could you please tell me where theresthe restrooms are?"翻译:例如:“休息室在哪里?”或者“请问能告诉我休息室在哪里吗?”These are similar requests for directions.翻译...
2022-08-24 回答者: zhaoqingzd825 1个回答

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