问:1. If the earth’s temperature rises, it will be a disaster for all ...
答:为了帮助你理解,有些地方我就按照中文结构翻译了:1. If the earth’s temperature rises, it will be a disaster for all mankind.如果地球温度上升,这将是全人类的灾难。2.After the accident, Bill learned to walk again through hard work and determination.事故后,比利通过勤奋努力和决心再次...
2011-12-13 回答者: 骆宇星 2个回答 17
谁能帮我翻译一下译成英文 谢啦
问:1这就是他们在找的词典 2 昨天晚上我给你打电话时你在做什么?3 离开计...
答:1这就是他们在找的词典This is the very dictionary they are looking for.2 昨天晚上我给你打电话时你在做什么?What were you doing when I called you last night?3 离开计算机房之前,一定把电源关了 Turn off the power when you leave the computer room.4天她因病未能去上班 She failed...
2011-05-09 回答者: jwjever 4个回答
谁能帮我翻译一下这几句英文??? 必有重谢!
问:http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTUzNTI4NDc2.html 请帮我翻译一下这个...
答:或许你需要寻求你父母的帮助来付分期 You know there are a lot of people have opportunities to do things, eh, they don't do that because they are not just focusing on the long term at that age. 许多的人其实都有机会去做这些事,但是他们没有做, 因为他们在他们这个年纪并没有注意...
2010-12-30 回答者: tfcat33 4个回答
2013-04-03 回答者: 吸血鬼★泪 6个回答
问:帮我把下面这几段话翻译成英文啊! 你以前实习过么? 你在哪里实习的? ...
答:你属于那种性格的人?你觉得你的性格怎么样? What kind of person do you think you are? What do you think about yourself?你喜欢什么科目?为什么?What's your favourate subjects? Why?简述一下你的发展目标是什么? Please intreoduce your goals in the future.雅虎翻译永远只是逐字逐句的翻译...
2007-10-11 回答者: 夜雨舞桐 3个回答
问:英语书上的,小学的,。 1.方式。路 2.一些地方 3.这些 4.小船 5.从不 6...
答:1.way [wei]n. 方法;道路;方向;行业;习惯 adv. 大大地;远远地 adj. 途中的 2.In some places 3.these [ði:z]pron. 这些 adj. 这些的 4.boat [bəut]n. 小船;轮船 vi. 划船 5.never ['nevə]adv. 从未;决不 6.nature ['neitʃə]n. 自然;...
2010-09-14 回答者: 绝情老鼠 6个回答
问:You are a manufacturer This is you new sample. You will place us th...
答:You accept our price你接受了我们的价格 Your price includes our commission. 你的报价包括我们的佣金 You shipped the goods on time 你要按时发货 You have finished our order 你已经完成了我们的订单 Who is your boss?谁是你的老总 Whom shall I give this sample to ? 我该把样品给谁 Who...
2008-05-22 回答者: sunmoonsong 4个回答
谁能帮我翻译下下面几句话 翻译成英文啊 要正确才给分呢
问:她大约两小时以前出去了 out 在去火车站的路上,他买了些鲜花 on the wa...
答:1. She was out about two hours ago.2. He bought some fresh flowers on the way to train station.3. This train cannot transfer all the passengers to the destination in one time.4. When I got to the office, they've already gone.5. Have you ever fly to Paris from BeiJing...
2008-03-18 回答者: 一粒沙_Nina 3个回答 1
问:这是一个化妆品盒子上的,谁能帮我翻译一下啊?先谢谢大家拉~~~ The nat...
答:我们已证实芦荟霜具有自然光洁之特性,可以防止皮肤晒伤,有效帮助修复昆虫叮咬,皮肤不适,干燥易裂肤质。芦荟角还是使皮肤保湿的辅助品,能使您的肌肤柔嫩光华,焕发青春光彩。not tested on animals 请勿用于动物 contains no animal tissue 不含动物成分 Apply as often as desired 需要时即可使用-(对...
2006-09-25 回答者: coolshiyong 7个回答 20
问:Is it possible to arrange one day later on Oct 23? Because we have ...
答:sorting and aluminum tube insertion machines to make these sort of wire nuts. Also check cost to buy these items. UL approved.请查阅附件文件,并研究生产这些产品设备和工具需求.产品生产应该具备一个高速分类机和铝管插入机来对这些接线螺母进行分类.并核算购买这些产品的成本.认证工厂....
2010-01-09 回答者: DanielHoward 4个回答

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