答:crowd chant
2014-12-10 回答者: 蓝日舞轩 1个回答
问:就是在加时赛结束后,颁奖仪式开始之前场地内放过两首歌 第一首是Coldpl...
答:black eyed peas - i gotta feeling
2014-07-06 回答者: xyounga 1个回答 1
答:<attraction> 或者<long way to go>
2015-06-19 回答者: 湖大1128 2个回答
2023-05-20 回答者: 195******96 1个回答
新浪视频 梅西欧冠赛季14球 天王砍瓜切菜勇追历史 的背景音乐是...
问:梅西欧冠赛季14球 天王砍瓜切菜勇追历史 http://sports.sina.com.cn/ucl...
答:Simple Plan - Your Love Is A Lie 试听:http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTI4MzI1MzI0.html
2012-04-04 回答者: 秋明4894 3个回答 2
答:UEFA冠军联赛主题曲《Champions League》此曲由英国作曲家Tony Britten应欧足联的委托所写。欧足联要求他按照巴洛克时代的音乐大师亨德尔的风格为UEFA的冠军联赛谱写一首有宗教颂歌般味道的主题曲。Tony Britten模仿亨德尔的著名颂歌《Zadok the priest》(历代英国国王加冕时所唱的颂歌)的旋律写出了这首《...
2009-09-19 回答者: 亲根儿 5个回答 4
问:http://sports.sina.com.cn/uclvideo/bn/2008-10-23/11292220.html 这是...
答:Enrique Iglesias - Bailamos Tonight we dance I leave my life in your hands We take the floor Nothing is forbidden anymore Don't let the world in outside Don't let a moment go by Nothing can stop us tonight Chorus Bailamos - let the rhythm take you over Bailamos Te quiero ...
2008-10-23 回答者: rrrrrr3 1个回答 1
答:Kasabian -- fast fuse 歌词:whow baby i was born with a fast fuse got no time to love just a city to abuse whow baby i was born with a fast fuse got no time to love just a city to abuse Come get me If you're fine don't arrest me Imma listen to shy, wild S.E...
2013-08-25 回答者: 知道网友 2个回答
答:50 Ways To Say Goodbye 专辑NRJ Hits 17歌手Various Artists
2017-02-02 回答者: Reno2017 1个回答
CCTV风云足球 欧冠进球集锦的背景音乐
问:足球集锦里总能听到 不是Attraction 是跟02年世界杯主题曲很象的旋律 很...
答:Kasabian -- fast fuse这个吧 歌词:whow baby i was born with a fast fuse got no time to love just a city to abuse whow baby i was born with a fast fuse got no time to love just a city to abuse Come get me If you're fine don't arrest me Imma listen to shy, wild...
2009-09-29 回答者: zcflames 3个回答 10

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