问:In college,I find that I am more and more in need of a computer. Bu...
2018-04-26 回答者: 514725 7个回答 10
答:My reply papers on the topic of Multimedia teaching middle school English class the pros and cons, in recent years, multimedia in the classroom of English has become the trend of English teaching, and the traditional teaching of English than it does not Fewer advantages, such as ...
2008-07-08 回答者: likee56 3个回答 1
英语笑话看不懂 能不能帮我解释一下?~~
问:感谢大虾 son:Dad,I am hungry. Dad:Hi, hungry,I am dad. son:Dad,I am...
答:son:Dad,I am hungry. 爸爸,我饿了 Dad:Hi, hungry,I am dad. 你好,Hungry, 我是爸爸。(爸爸把I am hungry, 理解成了我是hungry)son:Dad,I am serious. 爸爸,我是说真的。Dad:No,You are hungry. 不,你是Hungry。(爸爸把I am serious理解成了我是serious)son:You ar...
2013-06-20 回答者: aaronyungang 6个回答 6
问:their best to help尽最大努力提供帮助 best to help最好的帮助 their不...
答:换句话说, "their best to help" 重点在于强调 "为了提供帮助" 而 "尽最大努力",而不是描述他们提供的帮助本身的质量。当然,在某种程度上,它也暗示了他们提供的帮助可能是他们所能提供的最好的帮助。但这个短语的主要用途是强调尽最大努力去帮助别人。
2023-04-11 回答者: gowdhdn5359 5个回答 1
问:亲爱的签证官: 你们好!我叫:----,来自中国山东,我在2012年--月---...
答:亲爱的签证官:Dear Visa Officer:你们好!我叫:---,来自中国山东,我在2012年--月---日在德国驻北京大使馆递交了签证申请,至今已经过去将近5个月。我很想知道我的签证的状态。请求你帮助我查询一下。How are you? I am XXX from Shandong, China. It's been five months since I handed i...
2012-10-18 回答者: 小窝瓜11 5个回答 2
答:I and my peer support college students to get married. The following reasons:First, the state has special publish corresponding laws and regulations permit to the legal age of marriage of college students to get married. Country every a law of policy appearing are discussed through ...
2010-11-16 回答者: ANQBZ 3个回答
答:改变日后的行为 —— 向他们保证,你会作出相应的改变,不让这个错误再次发生。也就是说,光说不做是毫无意义的。如果你答应改变,而其他人看到你的改变,你可以修复你们的关系,重新建立信任。~~~纯人手翻译,欢迎采纳~~~原文如下:How Can You Say "Sorry" and Really Mean It?Too often we ...
2015-01-19 回答者: 蜉蝣2014小虫 39个回答 37
请问谁能帮我一下皮蛋瘦肉粥的做法的中文步骤并翻译英文啊 ?
答:3,把瘦肉切成细丝,放入碗中,加入少量盐搅拌后,腌制约20分钟。 3, the lean meat cut into filaments, into the bowl, add a small amount of salt, mix well, marinate for 20 minutes constraints.4,锅中倒入清水,大火煮沸,放入肉丝焯一下,撇除水面的浮沫。 4, pot into the water, ...
2013-07-05 回答者: 知道网友 2个回答 10
问:i ain't gonna take this no more bounce baby out the door get up and...
答:可以玩弄他人 但决不是我 so who the hell are you trying to kid 你到底想欺骗谁 you know this is what i did 这就是我想问的一切 baby boy i know you'll never find 小男生 我知道你再也无法找到 no stuff as good as mine 像我一样的天生丽质 she can't work you like i did...
2009-06-25 回答者: BONNYJEANNE 4个回答 8
问:Learner Readiness For training to be successful,learners must be re...
2011-10-30 回答者: 糖果砍地 5个回答

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