答:Opportunity 机会 With doubt and di *** ay you are *** itten, 怀疑和沮丧使你备受煎熬, You think there's no chance for you,son? 孩子,你认为你没有机会吗? Why,the best books haven't been written. 为什么要这么想呢?最好的书还没有写成, The best race hasn't been run, ...
2022-10-18 回答者: 蚊子193040 1个回答
求一篇英语3分钟左右的演讲稿录音! 要有原稿!!
答:奥巴马每周电台演讲 Weekly Address: Investing in Technology and Infrastructure to Create Jobs WASHINGTON, DC — In his weekly address, President Obama said he took action this week to launch new manufacturing hubs and expand a competition to fund transformative infrastructure projects. Both...
2014-10-30 回答者: zwfthomas 1个回答
答:be strong or to be quick?”“How can I tell you which is better?”answered therabbit.“You, elephant, you, monkey, you couldn’t get the apples without anyone.Everybody has his own good points. But two heads are better than one.”如果觉得演讲稿不行,希望换一个,请追问 ...
2014-08-08 回答者: sunny小浣熊123 2个回答 12
答:英语演讲稿3分钟 i'm from class 6 ,my name is xxx.it's my honor to speak here .i'm very glad to share my topic with you .do our own is my topic .with the development of our society ,more and more people lose themselves ,and they don't know what they want ...
2023-02-24 回答者: 熙熙85063 1个回答
答:今天我演讲的题目是“放飞理想 定位成功”。理想是力量的泉源、智慧的摇篮、冲锋的战旗、斩棘的利剑。在社会发展浪潮中,理想被赋予了更深的涵义,理想是效益,理想是气魄、胆识和智慧的显现。先进的科技、多元化的信息、优质的服务……电力系统在不断发展改革中潮头勇起,剖展延伸,每一分钟、每一秒都...
2007-05-22 回答者: jjjjhc 3个回答 13
答:我随便写的。。At the beginning of the future sound (first sound ミ ク, referred to as the "primary sound") is a famous virtual female singer software. Usually said JiChu virtual songs sound of the future is the personification of the this software, cartoon figures, it is its ...
2012-03-29 回答者: 蔷薇星晶哈 3个回答 3
问:大家帮帮忙啊!我过几天就要用了。是要关于杭州的,然后主题是“my homet...
答:Hangzhou is an international tourist city, a famous national historic and cultural city, a central city in the Yangtze River elta, and the capital of Zhejiang Province. As a city suitable for habitat, Hangzhzou stresses the life quality. With its core concept evoving from the ...
2010-06-19 回答者: bsia_yahoo 1个回答 24
答:All my friends felt we had a wonderful time.We all had fun!What an unforgettable weekend!(我最后的weekendlast周末,我们班有一个有趣的课外活动。我们有各种不同的活动。一些学生对体育感兴趣,他们打篮球或乒乓球。我们还有兴趣小组和俱乐部,如绘画,音乐,舞蹈,和计算机组。那些学好英语去...
2013-05-17 回答者: 尔等皆为我手下 2个回答 4
答:更多关于英语演讲稿的知识 > 网友都在找: 当苏格拉底遇上孔子 正在求助 换一换 回答问题,赢新手礼包 苦等1分钟: AMP1658659-1和AMP1658660-1... 回答 苦等2分钟: 社交网络,什么叫「重社交」,什么叫「轻社交」 回答 苦等8分钟: 京都和服体验,有哪些店推荐 回答 苦等19分钟: 变焦双摄好还是ai...
2017-12-16 回答者: 知道网友 1个回答 10
急急急! 小学生3分钟英语演讲稿。越多越好!
2008-07-22 回答者: 晨橙滴幸福 4个回答 4

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