答:手捧着篮球,我自然站立在篮球架前。四周是宁静与漆黑,微弱的风声与均匀的呼吸声在耳边起伏。双目平视,注意力并非集中在篮框,而是布于目光所及之处。起手,合眼,出手,然后静待篮球落网的声音。不是比赛,不是练习,而是我冥想的方式。在这种方式中,很多困扰我的问题会自然显现答案。Holding a ...
2008-11-12 回答者: 我的人生不打折 4个回答
问:1.昨天星期几? 2.我希望你现在身体好些. 3.前天他好好休息了一天. 4.他...
答:1.昨天星期几?What day was it yesterday?2.我希望你现在身体好些.I wish that you are health now.3.前天他好好休息了一天.He had a good rest the day before yeasterday.4.他可以同时看见整个世界.He can see the whole world in the same time.5.半小时前格林先生在哪里?Where was Mr....
2008-01-23 回答者: cmm在路上 6个回答 68
问:我的寒假生活快乐而充实。 我虽然没有外出,但是我在家里充分利用电视,...
答:My winter holiday life happy and full. I didn't go out, but I make full use of the television in the home, the network, books to enrich themselves, and do the housework. Have a holiday on the first day, I made a detailed plan, laid a solid foundation for my pleasant ...
2014-02-12 回答者: 国宝我是美人鱼 2个回答 1
答:Now, we feel more strongly the importance of quality education. For various reasons, our education, especially basic education, the existence of "examination-oriented education" tendencies.The so-called "examination-oriented education", refers to the training of students to cope with all ...
2010-04-05 回答者: 别别的愛 4个回答
问:我左手阳光 右手微笑 相信一种直觉。在千山万水后,相信一种命运的安排...
答:先赞一下哦,很好的美文哦 我左手阳光 右手微笑 Sunshine Left, Smile Right (注:标题处理为压头韵)相信一种直觉。在千山万水后,相信一种命运的安排,所有的善良都被赋予了宽容 的微笑,而所有的狭小,拥挤的,是自己灼痛的心。有人说,左手微笑,右手是刀。而摊开手掌,左手植入阳光,右手就长...
2009-09-03 回答者: mm42263195 3个回答 14
问:帮忙把这个故事翻译成英文 孤单的女孩 有一个女孩,她每一天都过的很开...
答:一楼用软件翻译的,!!!孤单的女孩 A lonely girl 有一个女孩,她每一天都过的很开心。Once there is a girl, she is happy every day.因为她有3个特别好的朋友,because she has three very good friends 她们一起玩耍 They play together 一起开玩笑。。。laugh together 但是事情没有想象中...
2008-06-06 回答者: 天天老肥 3个回答
答:In my opinion,doing some housework is good for us middle school students.
2008-12-21 回答者: connie_kwj 14个回答 3
问:谁能帮忙翻译一下啊?非常感谢! “近年来,我国餐饮业的“服务营销”这一...
答:"In recent years, our restaurant" service marketing, "this new concept has gradually indoctrination into every catering operator's idea. Services marketing to its unique charm and function as well as the combination of restaurant, the restaurant will cause a big change. But China's ...
2010-11-21 回答者: heronghui159 3个回答 7
问:请问白头偕老这句怎么翻译啊~ 还有“祝你幸福” “执子之手与子偕老”这句能...
答:白头偕老 live to ripe old age in conjugal bliss 祝你幸福 wish you happiness 理雅各James Legge的经典翻译:For life or for death, however separated,To our wives we pleadged our word.We held their hands;--- We are to grow old together with them.Bernhard Karlgren的翻译:In death...
2010-07-16 回答者: larita22 8个回答
答:the flaws of the countermeasure, establish and improve the flow of talent mechanism, the human resources, the rapid build their own advanced human resources management is for its survival and promote sustainable development of assurance.在百度查找英语翻译器,再输入文字,点击翻译就可以了 ...
2011-06-23 回答者: 想自由的鱼 8个回答

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