答:《阿凡达》 观后感 心得 作文 有哪些你知道吗?一起来看看《阿凡达》观后感心得作文5篇,欢迎查阅! 《阿凡达》观后感心得作文1 阿凡达这部电影,从名字上讲,相比较我还是比较喜欢叫它的英文名字:AVATAR,中文翻译的名字又显得这部电影好像是在讲一个叫做阿凡达的人的什么什么奇遇记,然而叫英文名却有一种神秘的感觉。
2022-07-20 回答者: 霹雳小子陶一27 1个回答
问:英语点评带上中文字幕 可以谈谈你对这部电影的看法、人物、为什么喜爱等...
答:追问 要中文 不然我不能念给同学听 要中文加英文念给同学 谢谢你 追答 这部电影很棒。舞出我人生的前两部就不错,所以看第3部时我也怀着同样的期望,结果让我非常惊喜。整部电影都是舞蹈,舞蹈动作简直是疯狂,之前闻所未闻。与前两部影片中,情节作为主要关注点的设置不同,本片虽然也有与典型的故事主线,但是...
2012-03-24 回答者: gjh0927 2个回答
问:求一篇电影观后感的英文演讲 三分钟 最好选大家都比较熟悉的电影为主题 ...
答:One True Thing 真情无价 Ellen Gulden is an ambitious young writer working for a New York-based magazine. When the film opens, it's 1988, and Ellen is being questioned in connection with the death of her mother. Kate Gulden (Streep), a beloved member of a small upper New ...
2009-03-21 回答者: 两个角色 2个回答 3
答:Even wanted to travel to the center of the earth? I am sure not many would have even thought of this. If it is travelling to a different country especially a popular tourist destination then I am sure all people will be willing. Even if it is a popular shopping destination ...
2015-04-13 回答者: 凡尘丶頥鬝 1个回答 1
英文电影观后感 高手进(要英文的)
问:阿甘正传 800字 求高手了 万恶的影视鉴赏老师
答:Life is like a box of chocolates, results are often surprising If you do not insist on the struggle of life do not never know what will happen next, which were last seen Lieutenant Dan felt vicissitudes of life. Finally with the help of his Forrest Gump and his shrimp together...
2009-12-04 回答者: 1181207020 2个回答 20
观看英文原声电影 要求:写一篇英文观后感,字数不低于200字。
问:推荐影片:《肖申克的救赎》The Shawshank Redemption 《海上钢琴师》The...
答:《肖申克的救赎》Today i saw a very shocking film ((Shawshank Redemption)), andy deeply by the strong conviction in the face of the cruel reality of the spirit is still harbor dreams, as well as superhuman intelligence and wisdom. Reid liked monologue of that sentence: "I had ...
2012-12-26 回答者: 7140799131 1个回答 8
答:Seven," a dark, grisly, horrifying and intelligent thriller, may be too disturbing for many people, I imagine, although if you can bear to watch, it you will see filmmaking of a high order. It tells the story of two detectives - one ready to retire, the other at the start...
2011-05-05 回答者: 点滴510 1个回答 11
答:观后感结尾怎么写范文指导 3. 求英文电影观后感(英语作文) 这是关于中国建国60周年的 英语读后感中文翻译 题材比较新颖 往笑纳To celebrate the 60th anniversary of People's Republic of China. In this unusual year,the number of tragic,how many have touched,how many dreams,how much glory there is,...
2022-10-10 回答者: 小纸630 1个回答
答:"Trench warfare" about it "Tunnel warfare, hey, tunnel warfare..." Whenever this song in my ear, and there is a strange attraction, I threw themselves raised his head, looking at the screen, we can't forget. Heart a impulse, a memory, a bit hate, a wisp of patriotism ...
2015-03-05 回答者: 丶_伍艾湖灬 1个回答 19
英语电影观后感 100词 要英文写的 最好是终结者
答:The Terminator is one of those films that no matter if you've seen it or not, you've heard of it, you know at least one or two lines without seeing it.The Terminator is personally one of my favorite movies of all time, I think because this movie really is something ...
2018-02-07 回答者: 知道网友 1个回答 13

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