it is that复数
问:表达强调时。 是It is dolphins that ……还是They are dolphins that…… ...
答:强调句的固定句型it is …that …。强调哪个部分,就把它放在is后边。可以理解为在原来完整的句子里加入了it is …that …这三个单词,原句只需调整语序,不做任何词型的改变。单数复数看原句的谓语。
2010-05-16 回答者: firsnal 3个回答 6
问:The dictionary on the desk is much better than_______ on the shelf....
答:1. 如果答案没有the one,就用that one.比较是同类事物比较,than后面的比较对象有后置定语on the shelf进行限定,为特指,排除AB;that不可以单独修饰复数名词/代词,排除C。2. 如果有the one,它比that one会更合适一点。that即可代指不可数名词,也可以代指可数名词单数。如果代指后者时,一般可以...
2011-05-16 回答者: mikechang77 4个回答 1
答:当然可以啊,定语从句的引导词与先行词是复数还是单数无关的,最重要是先行词在从句中所作成分,还有就是先行词如果在从句做主语时,从句的谓语动词的数需要与先行词一致。例如:I like the books that were bought yesterday.I like the food that is cooked by my mother....
2017-05-22 回答者: boyyandgirll 4个回答 11
复数集合名词用that 还是those 指代 比如means 或者 clothes 这种只有单...
答:可以看成单数,用that表示means,比如That is an effective means. (那是有效的方法)而clothes通常看成复数,不如Those are my new clothes.
2020-12-30 回答者: 唐娜杨 3个回答 3
答:that 后面接单数 those 后面接复数
2017-01-06 回答者: gerry3274 1个回答 2
问:题是: Do you like the photos ___were taken by Tom? A.that B.who C...
答:我的笔记,定语从句引导词:which 指物,that 指人或物,who whom whose 指人,when 指时间等于on ,where 指地点等于in which ,没有见有什么those 的,也没说单复数。要是我就选that 。
2009-06-15 回答者: WDHTZLY 5个回答 2
that‘s后面+复数的句子有吗?(如果你一看题目就认为没有,看补充)_百 ...
问:that's 24 boy and 21 girl in my classroom 这个是七年级上册人教版英...
答:这个句子一看就是错的,首先boy和girl都应该用复数,其次that's应该换成there are,明显应该用there be句型的
2010-01-24 回答者: 御龙寒青 5个回答
问:记得that's是修饰单数的,可是看书上写That's 24 boys and 22 girls.很...
答:可以呀 That's 24 boys and 22 girls. 因为是口语说法 现在的书没那么严格了 以前我们的教材是严格的英国皇家英语 你再看看现在用的教材 纯粹就是美国街头的俚俗口语了 我不是说口语不好 只是看不习惯 觉得出现在教材上读着很别扭 ...
2009-10-01 回答者: 知道网友 4个回答 14
It is a kite改为复数
答:are under the trees.单数句改为复数句 The boys are going to have an English lesson. 单数变复数,前面人称要变,BE动词也要随之改变,TO后面所接不定式不需要变。that is a photo改为复数句 These are photos.This is an orange改为复数句 These are oranges. this的复数是 these ...
2022-11-10 回答者: 蚊子193040 1个回答
答:您好,在含有比较级的句子中,that作为比较对象,代指单数或不可数名词,而those代指可数名词复数。例句:The weather in Beijing is colder than that in Guangzhou.北京的天气比广州要冷一些。分析:that代指the weather。The students in our class are much taller than those in your class.我班的...
2023-10-16 回答者: 150******13 1个回答

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