答:Dear John,I do appologize for not being able to pick you up at the railway station.I was late that evening and drove very fast to railway station to avoid missing you.I made nearly 50 mile per hour at the road with a speed limit of 30 mph.I was unlacky to be caught ...
2016-03-28 回答者: 幸福哥哥小帅哥 1个回答 7
问:被客户说我写信不注意语法,打击啊! 请高人翻译下句, 语法!语法一定...
答:I apologise for having neglected the correctness of grammar in my reply email, due to my busy daily work schedule. Please be understanding.对对翻译 1017023534@qq
2008-09-12 回答者: 南庄过客 4个回答 1
答:first i want to say i'm sorry that i didn't mean it this afternoon.you know,this afternoon, i was not in the mood that i just said something that maybe hurt you.but i promise that i didn't do that on purpose.hope you can forgive me.darling, i love you, from the...
2008-09-11 回答者: 知道网友 5个回答
英语作文john. swan给经理的道歉信
答:I am really sorry to tell you that I was unable to attend your birthday party yesterday evening.That is owing to the fact that my old friends visited my house without telling me the exact time.I had to entertain those friends with my passion in the entire evening,and I will ...
2016-12-20 回答者: 知道网友 1个回答 1
答:Dear Mr/Mrs XXX,I am writing to apologize sincerely for my absence of your English class last week. From the bottom of my heart, I had never planned to escape any class of yours which is so interesting and instructional. However, a very important competition drove me away from...
2011-11-18 回答者: Kalvin151 3个回答 5
答:Dear (写客户的名字),Please allow me to take this opportunity to apologise for the wrong delivery of your order. We at (写本公司的名字)always try to ensure that our orders arrive promptly and will do our best to ensure that this never happens again.Thank you for your ...
2016-03-22 回答者: 燕子SEO123 1个回答 5
英语作文 道歉信
问:因为代表学校参加辩论大赛而未能参加上星期的英语课 给老师写一封道歉信
答:Dear ...,I'am so sorry for not attending your English classes last week.I should have come,but I have to participate in the debate competition on behalf of the school .pleas forgive my absence.I hope that everything's all right.yours,......
2009-11-02 回答者: 大头娃娃の恋 2个回答 12
答:1711 Price Street Rockford, IL 61111 March 19, 2007 Mr. Steve Reavis 225 Gilbert Road Loves Park, IL 61111 Dear Mr. Reavis:I would like to apologize for the mix-up on your last order. We recently hired a new sales person who was not familiar with your systems. We ...
2018-05-17 回答者: mart2100 1个回答 96
答:Dear Tom,I am terribly sorry to say that I can't find the book you lent me---OREAL ENGLISH. I have already read it and I arranged to give it back to you. I will buy a new one for you.Cordially,Helen
2012-07-23 回答者: sylvia091827 3个回答 1
问:亲爱的爸爸妈妈: 你们辛苦了。 对不起 。今天早晨,我刷牙时,一不小心...
答:Dear dad and mom so hard you are.I want to say sorry to you.When I brush my teeth this morning ,I broke the cup by accident .Please forgive me.yours,janny
2010-02-12 回答者: misrita 1个回答 3

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