问:老师布置要写预习笔记 写一些重点语法、短语之类的 大家帮帮忙啊~~ 最好...
答:例如:First of all, we must go there by plane. 首先,我们得乘飞机去那里。 (2)句型It is/was...例如:I spent two hundred Yuan on that new bike. 买那辆新自行车花费我200元。8. My life has...【考例】I think English is as ___ as math. A. important B. more important C. more interest...
2010-08-25 回答者: yurui1996726 1个回答 68
答:如下:I will have a seven-day holiday next week. In these days, I have many things to do.First, I must finish the exercises left by teachers, Chinese, math and English. It may takeme two days to finish. I plan finish them in the first and second day. And then, I ...
2021-10-04 回答者: 蹦迪小王子啊 2个回答 1
答:C: So elective classes are offered only the first two years of high school? L: Right. There're a lot of them. But some students will still go to the Olympic Maths class or Olympic physics. I took a math class the first year, physics class the second year, and a reading class for...
2022-12-10 回答者: 射在里面9c 1个回答
答:A story around campus has it taht a student once sent a telegram to his parents reading: "Mom - flunked all courses. Kicked out of school. Prepare Pop."Two days later he received a response: "Pop prepared. Prepare yourself."自己做好准备 校园里流传着这样的故事:一个学生一次给...
2007-12-31 回答者: langston76 1个回答 62
问:谢谢了本人初3 对 什么语法不懂有教教的吗 加分
答:68 be sure that sth 对做某事有信心 eg: I'm suer that he can pass the test 我相信他能...例如:Look at the dark clouds, there is going to be a storm. 看那乌云,快要下雨了。 3)
2009-03-15 回答者: 我不是神仙囧 3个回答 9
答:A. History. B. Chinese. C. Math10. Why does Kate like elephants?A. Because they are ...34. Look! There a card and two books on the teacher’s desk.A. have B. is C. has D.
2022-03-25 回答者: 知道网友 1个回答
问:两个人的对话,大约五到十分钟。 难度不要太大,易于表演。 最重要的是...
答:A story around campus has it taht a student once sent a telegram to his parents reading: "Mom - flunked all courses. Kicked out of school. Prepare Pop."Two days later he received a response: "Pop prepared. Prepare yourself."自己做好准备 校园里流传着这样的故事:一个学生一次给...
2007-10-13 回答者: willwugang 3个回答 3
问:1.This table is made of wood, paper is made from wood. 2.what can s...
答:反对战争 16.I have read the book last mouth.我上个月读过着本书了 17.I have read the book.我读过着本书 18.I have be away beijing for two days.我离开北京两天了 19.Li ping borrowed my book kept for a week.李平借我的书一个星期了 不知道你说的划分结构是怎么样子的?
2011-02-13 回答者: 知道网友 2个回答
2022-06-07 回答者: 乐逸点 1个回答 1
求初二上期英语完形填空20 篇
答:(二)We are going to take a test today. It will show if we are 1 to get in an honors class next year. But, I don’t think it is 2 for me. It is the math part –– my favorite.We take the test by puter. There 3 52 questions for us to do in one hour.The ...
2022-11-10 回答者: 於山菱 1个回答

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