问:最好——尖峰时刻、尖峰时刻2、速度与激情6、速度5 回头一定加芬!!!!...
答:速度与激情6影评 This movie started off really well, however, it was set off course after the action started. I have to warn those that watched the trailers on television, because they spoiled every exciting scene from the movie. I would not consider myself an avid fan, but I ...
2013-08-29 回答者: 残帆影 3个回答
答:这里有http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0441773/usercomments?start=10 喜剧动物片 101真狗 my personal favorite "101D" medium is Disney's "101 Dalmatians: the Series". It combines many themes of the existing material (Dodie Smith book, 1961 and 1996 movies). But still does its own ...
2008-08-22 回答者: 梦妮小妹妹 2个回答 7
答:给你一篇,加上原来楼主的,共四篇。希望对你有帮助。动画喜剧 海底总动员 Somewhere, under the sea, weak-finned clown fish Nemo (Alexander Gould) lives with his fretful father, Marlin (Albert Brooks). Smothered by pop's paranoia, he ventures away from the reef, but his dad's ...
2013-08-17 回答者: wangpanyong110 2个回答 3
答:2009-07-26 5篇电影的读后感 114 2014-03-07 5篇英文电影观后感(观后感中文)! 360 2014-04-30 随便 几篇(最多5篇)今年电影观后感 ==!300字左右 要... 1 2019-08-04 英语电影5篇观后感60~80字 3 2013-11-01 几篇电影观后感 2010-08-27 求五篇爱国影片观后感(400——600字) 163 更多类...
2014-02-22 回答者: 岭下人民 1个回答 15
2011-08-25 回答者: 乖乖YOU宝贝 6个回答
答:第一篇 盗梦空间 Yesterday I watched the movie 'Inception'. It was really awesome. The setting of the movie resembles that of 'The Matrix', which also questions the existence of the real world. In fact, ancienct philosophers from China and Greek, such as Zhuang Zi and Plato, ...
2011-01-16 回答者: 梓曰梓曰 3个回答 53
答:hurried to find sister, want to let elder sister put everything back to life. In the struggle, Anna help sister turned a sword. See here, I was so moved by. I also want to learn from them, solidarity and mutual assistance!中文 今天,我们看了电影,电影的名字叫“冰雪奇缘”。
2015-09-20 回答者: 宁静似水sweety 1个回答 1
2022-05-10 回答者: 灵府七灵 1个回答
答:比如the story tells us about a man who lost his memory and decide to find out what happen。。。 i think he is very brave and。。。可以是内容简介+个人理解。简介嘛,搜一下电影英文原名比如 A Beautiful Mind美丽心灵,就可以参考一下了。初一的,老师也不会太为难你们。再说,如果真...
2015-02-27 回答者: 知道网友 4个回答 5
答:"Harry Potter" this book, we can not think of the author, can not become a fact of the matter. "Harry Potter" for the main character, a shaman, the wizard, ghosts, monsters, dragons and evil, justice. From a few books, friends can reflect on the friendship, respect for ...
2011-08-23 回答者: 我_RM 1个回答 7

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