问:我突然的无助 没有眼泪的悲伤没有人清楚 只能呼吸着不被了解的孤独 一个...
答:Ambivalently, I felt helpless Desiring for your protection, though little Words failed to what I wanted to express 倒数第二句做不到押韵了,本想用less结尾从反意表示少 但是想来想去都没想到用哪个词来代替Little 所以就这样吧~个人感觉翻译的还算满意~【笑】~最后一句让我想到 I love you ...
2010-11-04 回答者: 2beloved1314 5个回答 5
谁能帮我汉语翻译成英文?不要用翻译软件噢 在线等 谢谢
答:刚到这的时候我感觉这的一切都是新鲜的,新的城市,新的学校,会认识新的朋友,开始新的生活,一切都是新的,让我感到特别兴奋,开始的一周里,并没有太多的不适应,每天和新同学一起上课,有时会结伴一起出去逛一逛,吃个饭,总之第一周很快就过去,而且是愉快的一周。Everthing here is new ...
2013-05-22 回答者: mcthemax33 5个回答
问:成功之路,始于脚下 寸步之间,舒适之中 舒适、休闲、经典 至下而上的气...
答:The road to success, begins under the feet Immobilized between, comfortable in Comfortable, leisure, classic To the gas charm, bring from the bottom up admire Shoes to beauty is not only of art, but also of the foot confidant Taste, fashion, comfortable, your choice Go, enjoy ...
2010-11-05 回答者: yiqidedede 3个回答 1
答:拜托,请 thank you for 谢谢你为;感谢您为;感谢你为 thank you for your help 谢谢你的帮助 双语例句 And last, I'd like to thank you all for coming.最后,我要感谢诸位光临。She couldn't say ‘Thank you’―the words stuck in her throat.她不能说“谢谢你”,这话说不出口。She...
2021-11-29 回答者: 大太阳花水瓶 39个回答
问:自我介绍 大家好!我叫Helen,今年7岁,我一直不知道我是从哪儿来的,因...
答:Hello every one. I'm Helen, 7 years old. I don't know where I came from, because my mom told me I came out of her stomach sometimes, a trash bin near by a hospital gate sometimes and an angle from sky sometimes. It made md puzzled. All in all, she loves me all...
2012-08-08 回答者: cheny0610 4个回答
答:how are you doing now? I believe you are leading a good life,right?I'm quite well too,except a little boring.I stay at home everyday and seldom go out because of my strange way of walking.I can't stand others'look on me.everyday i sit in front of the computer exer...
2007-02-05 回答者: superbaozi 3个回答
问:请大家帮我把中文翻译成英文吧!!!!!!!唔该大家!!!!! 一定要文法正确(最...
答:(A): 不是,那件不是我的, 我的运动衫比你手中的那件大 No, that isn't mine. My sports shirt is bigger than the one you are holding.(O):让我再找找! 这件又如何哩?是不是你的?Let me find again. What about this one? Is this yours?(A): 是的,它是我的。谢谢你!Y...
2008-03-02 回答者: karen172213300 4个回答 1
问:亲爱的丹,你好 我是一名中国学生,我是一个男孩,我叫***,今年14岁,...
答:Dear DAN Now i'm a chinese students, i am a boy, i relied on the second year, 14 and the eight grade. i am very lucky because there is harry potter has been my development. this is my first time for foreign wrote nor is the first time for such a big stars. perhaps ...
2010-06-11 回答者: 纠结之理 6个回答
问:           &...
答:Wine is drunk, have headaches, thought would be able to eliminate some of the pain. Vomited, wine solutions, head began to awake. But the wound is still bleeding, in pain! Knife water water flow, pub life worry worry themselves rarely have ever so drunk, it is because I ...
2012-02-08 回答者: 用樱花爱你 3个回答
感恩节 英文翻译能帮我翻译成中文啊 准确的! 十分感谢!!
问:the first winter was very difficult for the pilgrims.more than half...
答:令人惊讶的,没人愿意回去。instead,the pilgrims decided to stay in this difficult new land and make a new life.相反的,朝圣者们决定待在这荒芜的新土地,创造新的生活。17世纪初,很多清教徒因为政治破坏,移居到美国,当时环境恶劣死了很多人,后来存活后为纪念就有了感恩节。
2010-11-24 回答者: 小度du 4个回答 8

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