问:1.Black sheep 2.black list 3.black coffee 4.black tea 5.black sheep...
答:8.black and blue 青一块紫一块 9.black Friday 黑色星期五(不幸或倒霉的一天)10.Blue Monday 蓝色星期一(郁闷/忧伤的一天)11.blue film 色情片 12.blue blood 高贵血统 13.I'm in the blues today. 我今天情绪很低落。14.Once in a blue moon 千载难逢 15.blue collar workers 蓝领...
2009-03-27 回答者: Covision 2个回答 117
英文歌曲《proud of you》用中文翻译一下
答:Teaching me to love with heart 教我如何用心去爱 Helping me open my mind 帮我打开心扉 I can fly 我能飞翔 I'm proud that I can fly 我为自己能飞而骄傲 To give the best of mine 奉献自己最珍贵的 Till the end of the time 直到最后一刻 翻译英文的技巧:第一、转换句子法 顾名...
2021-07-31 回答者: z625611733 3个回答 8
答:如果有加分的话,希望是200分,真的很费时间。Today I want to tell you about my vocational life.I studied Business English and there's only one Business English class in the whole grade.Just beginning there were 5 boys and 50 girls, then our class only had 3 boys.Although we ...
2012-05-06 回答者: strength轨迹 2个回答
答:这句英语是由四个独立句构成的并列句,前三个句子用简单将来时,最后一个句子用的是将来完成时,句子之间的关系通过时态、逗号和并列连词and表示得一清二楚。而汉语译文明显就是简单的叙述,至于句子之间的关系完全通过句子的语义表现出来:前三个句子可以看成是并列关系,最后一个句子则表示结果。 二、英语多长句,汉...
2011-05-10 回答者: 蝌蚪泛舟 3个回答
问:Yo Ang how you doing damn it's been a minute/ It's been years since...
答:一路上遇到婊子,你不会想要我和她们做爱 I did graffitti to B-Boys to tip top events/ 我为B-Boy们和绝妙的事儿涂鸦 Open mics to concerts to hip hop events/ 为了嘻哈的事儿开唱 anyways how you doing could you shed some light Ang/ 不管怎样,你好吗?能不能跟我透露一下 Is ...
2010-02-12 回答者: 西窗生 3个回答 7
问:My world seemed fine before you came along.But then you came,I want...
答:Things became more than they were because I started to care.情况变得超乎所料,因为我开始在意了。After you've gone,pieces of my life went missing,and all can do is to hope that we are breathing the same air,and gazing at the same star 在你离去之后,我的生活残缺了。我所能做...
2012-09-08 回答者: 心仪物语 3个回答 3
问:here is a sweat baby like my teeth like my tongue or u like my figu...
答:(我自己翻译的,没用软件什么的,你看看吧)here is a sweat baby 这儿有个甜心.like my teeth like my tongue or u like my figure 你爱我的牙齿还是爱我的舌头还是爱我的身体.(或者比较好的翻译方法是意译,你是喜欢我的牙齿碰触你的牙齿的感觉还是喜欢我们的舌头彼此交缠的感觉还是你喜欢我的身体...
2007-04-11 回答者: shinjiao 1个回答 13
问:认识莎莎的第三天也是第三次见面,在公园的湖边无意中完成了一个杰作 之...
答:nice!I talked to Shasa that this photo was better than anything chummy or erotic because it could provid people imagination and reverie.--- 这是我自己翻译的,呵呵 希望对楼主有帮助.
2009-01-21 回答者: FEIGE_MINGE 5个回答 4
问:If we look at love in other countries and cultures,we find many var...
答:family traditions, and duty to the kin group are more important than love . Most middle-and upper-middle class women in India can marry whomever they want.如果我们看一下其他国家和文化的爱,我们发现了许多变化。在像印度这样的社会,不一定是爱情婚姻的前提。即使是受过良好教育的印度男人...
2013-12-16 回答者: 1106443181 5个回答 1
这游戏一开始的剧情是英语,能帮忙翻译一下吗? 请看下面
问:I poke my head out of the gutter for one freakin' second and fate s...
答:shovels shit in my face!我把我的头的水沟里一刻着'第二和命运铲狗屎在我脸上!Go get some sleep 去睡觉 What are you gonna do?你要做什么?I'll drop by your office tomorrow and we can start sorting this mess out.明天我会来你的办公室,我们可以开始整理这烂摊子。记得加分哦 ...
2013-10-07 回答者: 小雨246200 5个回答 2

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