答:翻译如下:暑假一天的快乐生活 A happy summer day 7月我们又放暑假了。一大早我去了公园,公园里有很多树。很多人在散步。公园里有很多学生。公园里有很多的人在划船。然后我去看了电影,下午,我午睡了2个小时。我的朋友李华喊我去游泳。我们游泳游了一下午。这实在是快乐的一天。We'll start ano...
2020-05-02 回答者: 聊士恩狂词 1个回答 3
答:写作思路:根据题目要求,以介绍暑假生活作为主题,围绕暑假生活展开描写。I had a very happy summer vacation this year.我今年的暑假非常愉快。I went to the countryside for my summer vacation. It was very beautiful.我去农村度暑假,那里非常漂亮。There are green plants, clear rivers, lovely...
2021-08-20 回答者: 天蝎wuda 4个回答 12
答:一个有意义的暑假 我喜欢运动。我经常在假期做些运动,喜欢打羽毛球。我想打羽毛球可以帮助我成长越来越高,可以让我的身体健康越来越多。我帮助我的父母做一些家务。我的父母对我的理智的很开心。所以我得到了很多零用钱。作为一名学生,学习是最重要的,所以在这个暑假我认真地完成了所有的工作,并预习了...
2017-11-25 回答者: 多元广宇 2个回答 59
答:介绍自己的暑假英语作文:Look forward, look forward to, finally come to the second summer vacation in primary school. The life of the summer vacation is really colorful! In the first few days, as Mom and Dad were at work, they sent me to the grandmothers home in the country.T...
2021-09-01 回答者: bakangfr17 2个回答 1
答:有关暑假生活英语作文如下:Summer vacation arrived, I really is very happy. Not only because summer vacation can play at will, but also because my summer vacation is full and meaningful.I have no homework this summer, because I‘m going to junior high school! But you can’t ...
2021-08-21 回答者: 倩儿june 5个回答
答:我的暑假生活英语作文:My summer holiday begun on July 7th.I love summer holiday because I don't have to go to school and I can enjoy myself with my friends.I often spend the mornings doing my homework.And I always watch TV in the afternoon at home because it's very hot ...
2021-09-10 回答者: 一条酸菜鱼K 2个回答 10
答:写作思路及要点:以my perfect holiday为题,围绕假期的趣事展开描写,接着表达自己的想法以及观点。正文:One day during the summer vacation, my father and I agreed to play badminton, so we went to guolin park with badminton and racket.暑假里的一天,我和爸爸商量想打羽毛球,于是便带着...
2021-09-21 回答者: BLACKPINK_罗捷 13个回答 3
答:My day starts when the warm sunlight shines through my windows and wake me up with its gentleness puddling my back. The day is ofen casual and informal when hanging out with friends and full of happiness when acompany family members. Occasionally when the rain drop falls from the...
2017-08-24 回答者: 冰妩月夜 1个回答 31
答:My summer holiday life My summer holiday life is colourful.Every day, I get up at aboat 7:00. Then I run and play besketball. After breakfast, I study Chinese and English.In the afternoon, I study math. After that, I play ping-pong and ride a bike. In the ...
2016-09-11 回答者: 聆听瑞雪飘落 1个回答 26
2017-11-24 回答者: 成长的榕树 3个回答 69

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