求三篇英文电影观后感 用英语写(30词)
答:电影《阿甘正传》观后感:Last night,I saw a great film,Forrest Gump.I am greatly impressed by this film,by the stories of Forrest Gump.Forrest Gump was born in a small village.He was born mentally retarded,and he was discriminated by others.But his mother is a strong female who...
2021-09-01 回答者: 荸膻 2个回答 4
答:寻梦环游记观后感:The hero of this film is a little boy MiG who wants to be a musician, and hopes that he can create touching music like his idol Drakus, but his family has always forbidden people to touch music.这部电影的主人公是个小男孩米格一心想成为音乐家,更希望自己能和...
2021-09-27 回答者: 幽鬼要放大 1个回答
答:Therefore, we must remember that before 2012 there is no treasure there is no volcanic earthquakes do not flood days. 阿凡达英语观后感Yesterday I went to watch 3D IMAX 'Avatar' with my mother and the teachers in her school. I have to admit that the film is such a wonder that...
2013-11-09 回答者: 知道网友 1个回答 9
七年级水平的英语作文 60词 写看英文电影观后感 !!!
答:of those characters. From this movie,I learned a lot.以前我喜欢看卡通,不过最近我看了一部名叫《变形金刚》的动作片。它告诉了我们正义总会打败邪恶。男主角很勇敢,他用智慧拯救了世界。变形金刚们也特别的酷!我喜欢这部电影里的每一个角色。从这部电影中我学到了很多。希望采纳,谢谢。
2017-11-25 回答者: _____outman 2个回答 261
2013-08-10 回答者: 知道网友 2个回答 86
答:求一篇400字的英语观后感,小学5年级水平。要求看的是英语电影,观后感也要用英语写。谢谢!!!... 求一篇400字的英语观后感,小学5年级水平。要求看的是英语电影,观后感也要用英语写。谢谢!!! 展开  我来答 5个回答 #热议# 网文质量是不是下降了?梦妮小妹妹 2008-08-27 · TA获得超过1922个赞 知道答主...
2017-11-26 回答者: 梦妮小妹妹 5个回答 132
答:《哈利波特》英文读后感I've just fininshed reading the first 4 Harry Potter books for about the 5th time through, and they're just as magical and affecting as they have ever been. Everything is in here: suspense, adventure, mystery, humour, danger. There's even some pretty ...
2013-08-13 回答者: 知道网友 2个回答 7
答:美国电影《阿甘正传》的英语观后感 壹 When I first saw this movie I didn't appreciate it like I do now. Because I was so young that I didn’t get the main idea when I first saw it. Just recently I saw the movie again. What an amazing and moving story. That movie teaches...
2013-02-22 回答者: f01wuqian 3个回答 11
答:电影哈利波特的情节观后感:Harry Potter is a series of seven fantasy novels written by British author J. K. Rowling. The books chronicle the adventures of the eponymous adolescent wizard Harry Potter, together with Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger, his best friends.The central story arc...
2021-09-02 回答者: z625611733 3个回答 5
2014-02-05 回答者: skyhunter002 1个回答 2

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