问:With the days elapsing flashily like the glide, facing the rushing ...
答:然后才能通向另一个美好的世界 where the sun is still shining just for you.在那里阳光仍然你而绚烂 Young man ,including me ,年轻的人儿,还有我 is too hard to imagine 太难去想像 how tremendous sacrifice our parents have done to us or just stood behind u ,父母在背后默默的为我们...
2007-08-24 回答者: qin274824243 4个回答
问:Bitterness Standing still on the beach, thinking of the hurtful spe...
答:本没想到会感到如此地消沉 and will never give my heart to another person.我的心也不会交给第二个人 Tend to think that time could heal,心想:时间可以愈合我心里的创伤。tortured .. struggled...我被折磨着,我也努力地挣扎着 but still feeling ill.却无法摆脱痛苦!why 有谁能告诉我?
2008-06-08 回答者: chixinpaidui 5个回答
问:1.Black sheep 2.black list 3.black coffee 4.black tea 5.black sheep...
答:8.black and blue 青一块紫一块 9.black Friday 黑色星期五(不幸或倒霉的一天)10.Blue Monday 蓝色星期一(郁闷/忧伤的一天)11.blue film 色情片 12.blue blood 高贵血统 13.I'm in the blues today. 我今天情绪很低落。14.Once in a blue moon 千载难逢 15.blue collar workers 蓝领...
2009-03-27 回答者: Covision 2个回答 117
问:1. Courtesy to the language will no more permit the house to be ca...
答:21.这是一款最新型的手机,不仅能用来打电话,而且还能上网和发邮件。This is one of the latest mobile phones, with which you can not only make phoe calls, but surf the internet and send e-mails as well.22.你能帮我看看这台数码相机出了什么毛病了?Could you please help me check ...
2009-04-07 回答者: jikuangJoe 5个回答
英文好的 ,帮我翻译一下啊
问:I hope my writen you can't konw forever I do not know if really wan...
答:我不再愿意 I must be me.I am I.我必须做我自己。我就是我。I must be peaceful.Too needed to be peaceful.我必须安静。非常需要安静,平和。All do not come to be tired of me,All rolls to me,Rolls distant point.请不要对我所有的这些厌倦。这篇英文语法比较奇异 参考资料:★尊重...
2016-08-30 回答者: coolshiyong 7个回答 2
请大家帮帮忙。。快考试了。。谁能帮我正确的翻译英语。。要用到括 ...
问:1请给家里打个电话,告诉他们我正在去公司的路上。(on the way to) 从...
答:你能保证把这台电脑完好无损地还给我吗?(promise)Can you promise me the computer will be intact when you return it back?这位艺术家用这块木头雕了一个装饰品(carve)The artist carved a decoration from this piece of wood.她的责任包括接电话和招呼来访者。(consist of)Her responsibility ...
2011-05-01 回答者: kidwens 4个回答 6
答:名词短语3 bus tickets 公共汽车车票 my real hobby 我真正的爱好 the least space 最小的空间 动词短语9 tidy up 整理,弄整洁 take up 占据(时间、空间),从事(工作、职业)be interested in 对……感兴趣 have a collection of dolls 收藏有许多玩具娃娃 make you so interested in music...
2011-05-29 回答者: dengyuncan 2个回答 1
问:在你转身进车门的那一瞬间 我只是站在窗外傻傻的看着你笑 心里希望你能...
答:不是很准 In turn you into the door of that moment I just want out of the window you see the smile Shasha I hope you can feel really left my side The rational mind can tell me that you can not stay I continue to Shasha's laugh To cover up the true heart of sadness ...
2008-10-03 回答者: 5220379 1个回答
问:有没有英语高手?能不能帮我翻译一下下面的话: 我知道我曾誓言 照顾你,...
答:我知道我曾誓言 照顾你,保护你,和你一起一辈子…,但我身处两难…。现在,或许最好的办法就是离开你…我已经不指望别人能理解,更不奢望得到原谅…。但我真的希望有一天你能够理解…希望有一天你会原谅…。我全心全意爱着你…,直到永远…。我帮你翻译的口语一点,顺口点 有感情点 句子顺序变一点...
2008-01-12 回答者: luck_babycorn 36个回答
问:摘 要 本次毕业设计课题来源于生活,应用广泛,但成型难度大,模具结构...
答:Pick to The graduation design task originates from life and wide application, but molding difficult, die structure is relatively complex, mould staff is a good test for the country. It can strengthen plastic molds principle understanding, while exercising on plastic molding design and ...
2010-11-05 回答者: 984789445 2个回答

辅 助

模 式