答:I feel so excited that I will get married .
2010-08-29 回答者: ╮来回不去旳甜 6个回答
答:Mr Jin, nice to meet you. I am a fresh in our company. I am very happy to work with you.如果你要标准翻译,1楼答得很好,如果你真的要去什么公司自我介绍,用我这句吧。因为英语真不是这么说的。我这句意思是:金先生,很高兴认识你,我是公司新招的职员,非常高兴和大家一起工作。
2010-12-04 回答者: fuxiaotong1985 2个回答
谁能帮我把这些句子翻译英语,小弟分不高,希望有人能帮我一下下,谢 ...
问:你的朋友的名字是什么?吉姆格林。 你爸爸的电话是?12345678 他姓什么...
答:What's your friend's name? Jim Green.What's your father's phone number? It's one two three four five six seven eight.What's his first/family name? Miller.What's her last name? It's Jina.That isn't his phone number, it's his father's (phone number).What's her ...
2009-09-23 回答者: tailuowang 3个回答 14
答:who is best known for the production of Spongebob. (这里自说自话加了一小段...)The scene is set at the bottom of the pacific ocean, where the story develops centering Spongebob and his friends at a city called "Bikini Bottom". Due to the plot's humor, meanings, and cre...
2013-09-27 回答者: cyqsimon 4个回答
问:谁帮我翻译一下,谢谢!~~!这几天要用. 要用到括号里的短语. 1.他们在革命...
答:4.He devotes all his energy to developing sales business of the company.5.他们冒着得罪当地人的风险一意孤行的照着他们的计划去做.(ai rist of offending)5.They stick to their plan at the risk of offending the local people.hehe楼主 我可是英语专业的 上面的句子保证是满分 哈 ...
2007-07-05 回答者: 来日令尔惊苏秦 3个回答
问:If you had fine dry sand in a glss shaped like the one in the pictu...
答:not hourglss,应该是hourglass.如果你有好的干沙装在像图片中这样形状的玻璃瓶中,你就有了那个就做沙漏的东西。
2009-11-07 回答者: you2cute 4个回答
答:你好,我尝试着翻译了一下,感觉这句汉语就比较有气势,所以在选词上下了点功夫,并且调换了一下语序,翻译时查阅并参考了有道词典中的相关例句 【译文】Flap your wings and soar in the blue sky,like an unfettered eagle 【参考例句】1.The eagle can soar without flapping their wings.老鹰无需...
2012-05-21 回答者: 8xiazai8 16个回答 2
谁能帮我翻译一下这句话的意思 < fare thee weel, my only luve, and...
答:汗,好像是莎士比亚时代的古英语啊 thee是你you,fareweel就是现在的farewell,luve就是love 英语诗歌都喜欢用古英语,不过这首好像挺有名的 译文如下:再见吧!我唯一的爱人,再见吧!小别片刻!
2011-06-27 回答者: 知道网友 2个回答
答:编剧。这部电影描述一队来自精英雇佣军的特种部队奉命推翻一个位于南美洲小岛的独裁政府。电电影向1980年代至1990年代的动作电影致敬,也因此汇聚了大批那个年代的动作片巨星,包括史泰龙、多尔夫隆格伦、米基·洛克、李连杰、加里·丹尼尔斯,以及较近期的明星,如杰森数组斯坦森。~~~纯人手翻译, 欢迎采纳...
2015-05-14 回答者: 蜉蝣2014小虫 4个回答 1
问:1.这样东西多少钱?/这些一共多少钱? 2.这个价钱有点贵。这个能便宜点...
答:1. How much is this? / How much are these?2. It's a little bit expensive. Can it be cheaper?3. Is there a little larger size for this kind of clothes / shoes?4. I can only speak a little English.5. Please speak it slowly, my English is not so good.6. I don...
2012-01-13 回答者: jojo_sarah 4个回答 3

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