答:英文电影:阿甘正传观后感(中英文对照)阿甘有自己的坚持,他不断地跑步,JUST RUNS. 他跑步不为任何理由。他说:"人要往前看,千万不要被过去拖累。我想我跑步就是这个意义”和过去告别,不停留在原处。也许这世界上太多人随拨逐流,很少人会坚持做一件事,阿甘坚持自己的坚持,于是他成了“神”。影片中还有一位主要...
2010-08-22 回答者: 苏卡卡Up 2个回答 35
...之后的感受和为什么看这个电影 60词左右,不要太难,写简
问:七年级英语作文 写你看过的电影以及看过电影之后的感受和为什么看这个电...
答:《小鬼当家》Today, I saw large areas of the United States "Home Alone" with deep feeling. The main character is a little boy. Christmas is fast approaching, the little boy was always getting into trouble. As a result, they go to a holiday in Paris, but forget the little ...
2014-10-07 回答者: 好开心萌萌哒 3个回答 3
答:and the force will increase indefinitely.If I were Harry Potter, I will eat insects machines and found that pest,捉走immediately,吞进belly, and then out into fertilizer, as an emissary to protect crops.If I were Harry Potter, I will --- 检测语言 > 英语 互换翻译 ...
2018-04-15 回答者: 知道网友 2个回答 13
答:写作思路:下面的观后感主要从电影的内容以及演员方面进行叙述。The elves of "Onward" support each other during the journey, and this relationship also extends to the real life of the spider man Tom Holland and the star Chris Pratt who are the voice actors.对照译文:《1/2的魔法》精灵...
2020-12-29 回答者: Lapland09 4个回答 1
答:电影《飘》观后感 See the over movie 《 gong with the wind 》 , I am very to move for ruide this person image.The ruide is handsome and natural and unrestrained, the magic power is endless, humor and wit, the strength is brave, he is rich, respecting again female, to love...
2011-08-13 回答者: 小子清门abc 2个回答 12
答:《哈利波特》英文读后感I've just fininshed reading the first 4 Harry Potter books for about the 5th time through, and they're just as magical and affecting as they have ever been. Everything is in here: suspense, adventure, mystery, humour, danger. There's even some pretty ...
2013-08-13 回答者: 知道网友 2个回答 7
答:Saving Private Ryan(拯救大兵瑞恩)This movie tell us what are the most important things around world.They are life and cradit.Life is precious,in this movie the captain want to save Ryan's life.But the captain died at last.Before he died he told Ryan to be a good man.At ...
2013-02-20 回答者: 圆圆的Penguin 2个回答 117
电影《肖申克的救赎》 英语 观后感 字数 200左右
问:呐个是 传说中的 英语暑假作业 之一 。。还有 重点是 不要 全都和大众一...
答:电影《肖申克的救赎》 英语 观后感 字数 200左右 呐个是传说中的英语暑假作业之一。。还有重点是不要全都和大众一样啊。呐个可以帮忙结合下啊哈、、童鞋啦拜托啊... 呐个是 传说中的 英语暑假作业 之一 。。还有 重点是 不要 全都和大众一样啊 。呐个 可以 帮忙结合下 啊哈 、、童鞋啦 拜托啊 展开 ...
2013-09-12 回答者: 知道网友 2个回答 5
答:英语电影英文观后感《功夫熊猫》(《Kung Fu Panda》)的:<1> Funny!I see this movie lastweek,So terrfic,this film make me loving Kung Fu!My liitle sister love the panda very much ,She ask me which kind annimal of Panda?I told her its one of the cutiest animal in the world ...
2014-08-26 回答者: x想你的夜丶 2个回答 5
答:功夫熊猫 Or the dream factory has always been the high standard, the screen exquisite detail, vivid characters vivid, touching story twists and turns, the most important thing is it in the most simple and easy to understand that the way of a token, that is - there is no short...
2013-12-19 回答者: 知道网友 2个回答

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