的英文比较错 能帮我翻译一下吗?谢谢大家了,认识个外国朋友真的很...
问:Hello Dearest How are you today? I am more than happy in your reply...
2010-09-07 回答者: 178331397 3个回答 6
谁能帮我详细翻译一下电子机票行程单 翻译写在对应的英文后面,谢谢
问:Galileo Reference: 46H990 Consultant's Name: Passenger(s) SHI/ZEHUI...
2013-10-11 回答者: GoodBye_Snow 4个回答
问:Laws and regulations are never to be forgotten in the development o...
答:这坨东西主要有几个部分:Laws and regulations are never to be forgotten in the development of the information superhighway.信息高速公路发展中要时刻牢记法律法规。Although market forces will help keep the new technology affordable,we need laws to protect consumers when competetion fails.尽管...
2010-09-19 回答者: aus_dem_Mars 6个回答 1
的英文好?能给我翻译一下金属乐队的fade to back的歌词?
答:我已经失去了活下去的意愿 Simply nothing more to give 已经没有其它能付出 There is nothing more for me 再没有需要我的 Need the end to set me free 结束一切才能给我自由 Things are not what they used to be 所有的都和过去不同了 Missing one inside of me 内心缺少了一部分 Deathly ...
2014-02-20 回答者: 知道网友 3个回答
答:过滤的胰岛素 = 分泌的胰岛素 胰岛素是自由过滤,它不再被肾小管吸收,分泌,合成,代谢,或存储,因此过滤量和分泌量是相等的 如果我的回答能够解决你的问题,希望你能够采纳我,衷心感谢你的支持...
2014-11-14 回答者: hsuehhsien 1个回答
有个中大奖的英文信 希望有能人帮我翻译一下
问:Dear Jian Tang, You are receiving this message because you joined F...
2008-06-13 回答者: 爱在天涯彼岸 2个回答 1
问:工作意向 录音师及音乐、音效制作 工 作 经 历 2000.01-2003.02 在校组...
答:在GOOGLE翻译的 错误应该很多 Luyinshi intention to work and music, sound effects Work experience 2000.01-2003.02 organizations in the school band, as Jitashou 2003.3-2004.3 in LG Electronics Co., Ltd. Fujian work and study music 2004.9-2005.3 soundtrack of the land in Xiamen...
2007-12-17 回答者: 让叶木 5个回答 1
请问谁能给我下面一段话的翻译(从汉语翻译成英文)..非常急.. 谢谢了...
答:Her silhouette is very peaceful, simply makes one not to be fullycorrect in assumptions. Her face looks under the sunlight clearly. Shewears the ellipse the hat, the tinted chin strap looks like the reedthe leaf. Her eye is looking under the curved long eyelash front,although ...
2007-05-24 回答者: hbsydragon 1个回答
2012-02-01 回答者: 知道网友 2个回答
问:《Nothing's gonna chance my love for you》
答:hold me now 拥抱我吧 touch me now 让我相依相偎 i don't want to live without you 我的生活中不能没有你 nothing's gonna change my love for you 没有什么能改变我对你的爱 you oughta know by now how much i love you 你会知道我有多爱你 one thing you can be sure of 请你...
2017-11-25 回答者: 胡思乱问 3个回答 111

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