答:Dear Wen,You can't imagine how happy I am when I see your mail. I was just worried if we had long time without contact we may lose each other; I was not sure if you still used the email, either. Anyhow, I feel great now since we get in touch again.I had a ...
2007-10-18 回答者: cylor 6个回答 1
问:RT:麻烦翻译下面的内容 毕业后大多数人在英语学习上用的时间很少,其中...
答:time studying English after graduation. One thirds of them study less than one hour per week, and a quater people will study English for more than 5 hours a week. Those are the persons whose jobs are related to English. This is the conclusion of my survey.希望可以帮助到你~...
2014-06-04 回答者: 风舞C残月 3个回答
问:Love me for a reason Girl when you hold me How you control me You b...
答:I can't continue guessing 我不能继续瞎猜了 Because it's only messing 因为这只会让我更乱 With my pride, and my mind 所以,用我的自豪,我的思想 So write down this time to time 反复的写下了这些 Don't love me for fun, girl 女孩啊,不要为了消遣而爱我 Let me be the one,...
2008-03-24 回答者: 輕侮_肥羊 4个回答
问:翻译: 1,However, three days later a letter arrived, asking me to ...
答:每年数以百计的学生发电子邮件给我询问有关教育的问题 9,They want to know what to study.他们想知道如何学习 10,College isn't the only place where information exists.大学不是唯一一处信息所在地 11,college offers you the best chance to learn broadly.大学为你提供最广泛的学习机会 12...
2009-12-30 回答者: baowyy 7个回答 2
答:Dear King, I love you, love love you, but I look at you uneasy, I do not know whether you love me ... ... my king, although everyone is lonely years, but not everyone are lonely and left, if one day, I will eventually ask you this question ... ...Will allow me...
2009-01-31 回答者: wyq442143094 2个回答
答:you have a strong will, mountains with the sea, and sky sort you largeness of mind, you have sunshine hot heart... Day and night for us, you take care, for us, you willingly offered... Teacher, you really make people admire!Thank you!是这个吗?我以前翻译过哦 ...
2011-05-04 回答者: 姬结 5个回答
问:My class will put on a short play in English at the end of the year...
答:今天上午的英语课我们背了台词。我扮演国王。演出时,我表现得绘声绘色。我满以为我是表现得很到位的。Everyone in the class read a part and then the teacher decided who would play each part.在每个人都读了一段台词以后,老师做出了决定。Many of the students in my class couldn’t act ...
2010-08-18 回答者: anitapu 7个回答 27
问:再一次拜托你们,英语高手们,帮我翻译一下这首歌词。谢谢! (谢绝翻译...
答:[02:46.21]Ill take you just the way you are 我会随便你过你的方式 [02:50.83]Does anybody love the way you are 有人爱你这样的方式吗?[02:56.74]Aaaa Aaaa Aaaa Aaaa Aaaa Aaaa Aaaa 啊啊啊~~~[03:07.14]Star, Star 星星, 星星 自己翻译的...比较简陋~:)...
2007-02-13 回答者: daisy12321 6个回答
答:way. If we have the wish we will meet one day.后面的大意如文,没有逐字翻译。恕我直言,您的汉语直译过去会把外国人看糊涂的,他很难明白你到底是什么意思。所以我代你拒绝了他的面见,但保持客气和友好。楼上的翻译很诡异,有些词用的很不恰当,建议您自己用字典查一查,别搞误会了。
2018-04-24 回答者: x33x33x33 27个回答 246
高手们,帮帮忙吧,感激流涕! 翻译英语!!真的万分感谢!!
答:第一部分:目前语文课堂教学中存在的问题及其根源 Part I: The problems of current classroom language teaching and its root causes 第二部分:新课程背景下语文课堂有效教学理念分析 Part II: The analysis of effective teaching philosophy of classroom language teaching in the context of the ...
2011-05-05 回答者: xiayetianyi 4个回答 1

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