答:举报| 评论 5 2 优美的。。 H296951443 | 发布于2012-02-29 举报| 评论 3 4 mmmmmmmmh 爱仔初体验 | 发布于2012-03-01 举报| 评论 3 5 其他1条回答 为您推荐: 英文电影 蒂凡尼的早餐英文介绍 蒂凡尼的早餐经典台词 英文观后感200字 天使爱美丽英文观后感 英语观后感 蒂凡尼的早餐 电...
2011-11-14 回答者: 8266521 6个回答 2
英语电影的观后感(用英语表述)词数100左右!急~ 电影如下↓
答:Puss in Boots Years before meeting Shrek and Donkey, the adorable but tricky Puss in Boots must clear his name from all charges making him a wanted fugitive. While trying to steal magic beans from the infamous criminals Jack and Jill, the hero crosses paths with his female match...
2013-08-13 回答者: Noahfan 1个回答 25
...英语好的话可以帮我写一篇英文观后感吗?400字左右,万分感谢 _百度知...
2017-04-02 回答者: cn#aGBVfkGBap 1个回答
用英语写摩登时代观后感 初中一年级上的水平 80词
答:《摩登时代》是一部讲述“工业时代个人企业与人类追求幸福的冲突”的优秀电影。"Modern times" is a story of "the industrial age personal enterprise and the pursuit of happiness of human conflict" good movie. 影片主要反映了十九世纪末到二十世纪初社会大生产的现实。The film mainly reflects ...
2013-07-06 回答者: 知道网友 1个回答
答:《Forrest Gump》Today I saw a movie called 《Forrest Gump》. It's an American movie which won Academy Award in 1994. The leading role's name is Forrest Gump and the movie tells a story how he could be succeed. I think it is a very meaningful film. I like it so much....
2012-02-02 回答者: enist 2个回答 7
答:ve faced in the States, the trio are pulled back into a grave-robbing game in Inner Mongolia, China, to explore the reason behind the death of Ding Sitian, who was Bayi and Kaixuan's first love died back in 1969.本片的英文观后感,见附件。如果看不到附件,请用电脑访问。
2016-03-24 回答者: 知道网友 1个回答
答:and the formidable responsibility to be a leader in a group.电影狮子王讲述了狮子王子辛巴如何在他朋友的帮助下,一起对抗他觊觎王位的叔叔刀疤,最终承担起领导整个狮子族群责任的故事。我被辛巴和他朋友并肩作战时的友谊,以及在群落中作为首领的强大责任感所打动。你可以学习在线外教培训班提高英语...
2021-07-16 回答者: 阿卡索外教网 12个回答 38
问:不用你教我怎么写,要文章! 1飞屋环游记 2少年派的奇幻漂流 3疯狂原始...
答:英语电影观后感100字(以下十选八) 10 不用你教我怎么写,要文章!1飞屋环游记2少年派的奇幻漂流3疯狂原始人4阿甘正传5歌舞青春·6冰雪公主7和平战士8舞出我人生9忠犬八公10冰河世纪... 不用你教我怎么写,要文章!1飞屋环游记2少年派的奇幻漂流3疯狂原始人4阿甘正传5歌舞青春·6冰雪公主7和平战士8舞出我...
2013-08-01 回答者: 知道网友 1个回答 80
答:观后感:Part V, "Harry - Potter and the Phoenix Society", Harry has encountered She Hunguai, the use of the magic. Escorted by a group of shamans to伦敦格里莫Plaza, a mysterious place - Phoenix clubs. He went to the magic of the trial, almost to be expelled from ...
2008-07-30 回答者: cy8730 3个回答 24
中学生 英语电影观后感
问:要英文的观后感 350个英语单词的观后感!!!! 急需 谢谢 !!!! 明...
答:has a terrific cameo as a great white shark who's sworn off killing (Remember, fish are friends, not food!), while DeGeneres provides perfect timing and tone as Dory, whose short-term memory loss is a gag that never stops running.电影《海底总动员》观后感,希望对你有用。
2013-08-15 回答者: 知道网友 2个回答 2

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