答:As to government pollution, as to common people. We also try to protect it and make it remain clean.Although we have managed to protect the environment to a certain extent. It is still a very long way to go.中文大意:)在现代社会,我们越来越趋向于关注,我们的生活环境和自然...
2017-12-15 回答者: 月中之星 1个回答 29
旅游景点介绍演讲英语 介绍旅游胜地的英语演讲稿
答:旅行一分钟英语演讲稿3 Today, as the life standard has improved, people have more money to chase amusement, travel is their first choice. So there are a lot of people on the journey during the public vacation, s 酒店预订 携程官方酒店预订,全网低价 酒店预订 机票预订 携程特价机票 机票查询...
2023-05-24 回答者: 宸辰游艺策划 1个回答
...一分钟左右~~本周五前,急需~~ P.S:附中文翻译,质量好的加悬赏...
答:Respect 演讲稿【By Kaiser3344】Respect, is face with a sincere smile, Respect, is published in others different opinions when listening, Respect for others, is the effort applaud. Respect looks like just dedication to the people around.Respect is a great wisdom, because she knows so...
2011-11-22 回答者: Kaiser3344 1个回答 2
答:9、参赛要求:(1)、所有参赛作品均为英语形式,演讲时间控制在5分钟以内。 (2)、具备完整的演讲稿,并要求上交。 (3)、演讲内容要求健康向上,真实细腻地反映人生理想,奋斗目标,自强自立,校园生活等。 (4)、演讲时需脱稿演讲。 10、赛程安排: (1)初赛:每个人比赛时间5分钟以内。(1分钟自我介绍和4分钟自主命题演...
2022-06-15 回答者: Mio丶315 1个回答
答:4.初一交通知识英语作文/演讲稿 Good afternoon(morning) everyone, today I am here to give a talk on traffic.All in all we should follow a principle, that is "safty first".SO when we cross a road,we have to look at the right hand-side,and if there is no ing cars,we ...
2022-10-16 回答者: 於山菱 1个回答

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