问:把下面的句子翻译成英文 1.跟你说话很乐意2.雨阻止我们出去(用pre...
答:1. I'd love to talk to you.2. The rain prevents us going out.3. When I hear his voice, I can't help thinking of my father.4. The teacher came in, followed by some students.5. When he walked along the river, he saw an accident.6. He lay on the floor ...
2011-08-21 回答者: ac15 3个回答
问:世界各地 和.......不同 例如 参加 在我空闲的时间 在某种程度上 考虑,...
答:呵呵 看了以上的答案啊都是用GOOGLE的直译 我用我自己的翻译 1.all around the world 2.be fiferent from 3.for example或用for instrance 4.take part in或用join in 5.in my spare time 6.in some place 7.consider 8.the other或者another它用于三者以上 9.Americans 10Noise 11.Medium ...
2007-08-19 回答者: 摆渡网络江湖 6个回答
问:当前我国行政诉讼存在的问题及对策: 【内容提要】: 《中华人民共和国...
答:当前我国行政诉讼存在的问题及对策:China's current administrative proceedings the existing problems and countermeasures 【内容提要】: [Content]:《中华人民共和国行政诉讼法》从1990年10月1日起施行:"PRC Administrative Procedure Law" from October 1, 1990 will go into effect:至今已实施十八年之...
2008-07-02 回答者: 琳_lin环 1个回答 1
问:早上我们谈了很多 在过去的十年里,我的家乡已经发生了巨大的变化 这本...
答:him honest.这个学校有一名音乐老师和一名美术老师 There is a music teacher and an art teacher in this school.天气预报说下午有大风 The weatherman says there will be a strong wind in the afternoon.每天早晨我们都听到她大声朗读英语 We heard her read English aloud every morning....
2013-09-08 回答者: 夜礼服假面lx 5个回答
问:他们决定购买一些昂贵的设备 请别在孩子们面前骂人 坦率的说他不是 一个...
答:They decided to buy some expensive equipment Do not curse in front of children Frankly said that he is not an easy person to get along It is a那只you Place broken glass This afternoon I'm going to the supermarket shopping We should learn to distinguish between fantasy and ...
2008-06-21 回答者: 土匪情未了 7个回答 1
问:摘 要 印度教是巴厘社会文化的一个重要组成部分,印度教在巴厘的传播与...
答:印度教是巴厘社会文化的一个重要组成部分,印度教在巴厘的传播与发展造就了巴厘社会不一样的生活习俗。Balinese Hinduism is an important social and cultural component of the spread of Hinduism in Bali, Bali, and development has created a different social life and customs.巴厘人的活动几乎都是...
2011-04-25 回答者: reallitytiy 3个回答
怎么将英文翻译成汉语?帮帮我啊啊啊啊啊 我老婆叫我问的!快说啊 要...
问:[img]/Article/UploadFiles/200706/20070601211203341.gif[/img] Sealed...
答:英文歌词 《以吻封缄》为电影《蝴蝶梦》主题曲,其忧伤的旋律,充满留恋的歌词加上 Brian Hyland那凄婉的 嗓音不知唱出了多少好友,恋人之间“ 欲走还留 ”的心情。没有什么比这首\" Sealed with a kiss\"《以吻封缄》 更令人感伤的了……SEALED WITH A KISS -- Brian Hyland Though we gotta...
2007-11-20 回答者: ゞ尛厷宔﹏﹖ 3个回答 6
问:1、艾维特,你们在干嘛? 2、看上面,我要去你家,把梦想存起来 3、找到...
答:1, elvet, what are you doing?2, see above, I would go to your house, to dream to save 3, find their dreams, we have to slowly realize it 4, the word you taught me, don't you remember?5, thank you, Riri A, I will cherish every dream 6, where you put this dream...
2012-12-31 回答者: 李秉璋888 5个回答
答:的主页面中浏览页面中的所有内容信息,找到并点击区域和语言(regions and languages)这一选项,开始进入到语言的切换。4、在随后出现的页面中,找到需要用到的语言(languages)这个选项,在语言设置中点击中文(中华人民共和国)这个选项,这样电脑屏幕上的软件信息就会从英文状态转变成中文状态。
2024-04-03 回答者: 太平洋科技 2个回答
答:请问这段话是作为文章中的一部分,还是作为某一段。如果是自成一段,建议改变一下结构。1论点。2解释说明。3分析。4举例。e.g.1)The honor of the Chinese Wisdom should be carried out and passed on by generations. However, it was not the case.2)No one has(or" The world has not"...
2009-06-05 回答者: oriental_ann 4个回答 1

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