答:Companies adhering to the "professional diligence, strives for realism the innovation" the enterprise culture, the constant pursuit of technological innovation, research and development with independent intellectual property rights and the core competitiveness of the products to the market demand-...
2010-06-29 回答者: araedfafa 2个回答 4
问:认识莎莎的第三天也是第三次见面,在公园的湖边无意中完成了一个杰作 之...
答:nice!I talked to Shasa that this photo was better than anything chummy or erotic because it could provid people imagination and reverie.--- 这是我自己翻译的,呵呵 希望对楼主有帮助.
2009-01-21 回答者: FEIGE_MINGE 5个回答 4
答:我们非常愿意推荐某女士到贵组织进行培训。某市作为中国沿海经济开发城市,拥有众多的从事对外贸易的企业,外贸进出口增长迅速。2005年进出口总额达到55.95亿美元。We are willing to nominate Mrs XXX to accept this training sponsored by your organization. As a coastal economic development city in ...
2006-11-25 回答者: 小姑奶奶驾到 21个回答 2
答:Dear, no matter how sad you are, at least you have around me, I also would like to share with you and all your troubles. I know how bad before I often let you sad, you are worried about, you cry, but also feel good. I know that, as long as my efforts to reform,...
2008-02-19 回答者: wsfangzhong 5个回答
请帮忙把这些中文翻译成英文= =
问:尚品影像画业 专业摄影器材 优秀的摄影团队 尚品影像画业,缔造品位生活...
答:尚品影像画业 Shangpin image Painting industy;专业摄影器材 Professional photographic equipment;优秀的摄影团队 Excellent photography team;尚品影像画业,缔造品位生活空间! Shangpin image painting ,Grade to create living space.特色摄影 characteristic photography;优质全面的服务 High-quality comprehensive ...
2009-06-01 回答者: 野听风吟 7个回答
我想把中文翻译成英文 有能帮助我的吗?
问:您好! 感谢您对我校的关注。针对您的问题,现答复如下: 1. 学校有宿舍...
答:Hello!Thanks for your attention to our school.Here is the reply to your question:1.The school has rest room,5 yuan a day.2.The class who learn coffee and west dessert will cost about 70 days,we can make sure you can learn it,if you have not understood that,you can learn...
2007-07-21 回答者: 499591555 2个回答 2
答:I'm from Jiaxin, Zhejiang Province, 22 yeas old.Because my father takes a medical career, I applied for a medical major. By taking examination, I was enrolled in Medicine Technology Academy of Shanghai chinese medicine university, majoring in Health recovery & treatment. Now I'...
2006-02-10 回答者: hly2004 2个回答 1
问:不是上网弄的翻译,是正确通顺的句子,谢谢大家,200字 Robin Hood 这是一...
答:This is a story from Disnep. It's about a fox called Robin Hood, who travels a lot to help people and to punish the bad, which makes him highly respected.One day, he arrived in a kingdom of animal. He found that the animals here are often bullied and decided to help ...
2010-01-01 回答者: 知道网友 2个回答 7
答:中文翻译成英文的软件:一、谷歌翻译 谷歌翻译作为入门级别的翻译软件,基本上家喻户晓。谷歌浏览器有全网页翻译的内置引擎,翻译上不论是汉译英还是英译汉,基本能符合科研需要。但是,它也会出现一些机翻常见的错误,比如示例中,汉译英时,谷歌对乳腺的翻译经常在 Breast 和 Mammary 之间飘忽不定,英...
2022-05-27 回答者: 当岁月留经奥 1个回答
问:-.-` 找个英文高手..当场帮我翻译 ```不要在线翻译的那些!!!!! ! ```麻...
答:You are my all 你是我的全部..I like the feeling of being with you 我喜欢和你在一起的感觉..I like the warm besides your neck 我喜欢你脖子之间的温暖..I don't know it since when 不知道从什么时候开始 The whole day was passed while missing you 我1天的时间都在想你中度过 Cr...
2007-01-07 回答者: roline123 5个回答

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