答:One is a dormitory room on the campus and I think this is typical of the traditional students lodgings,Being shared by eight students,the room is crowded.All there is to see are beds,double-deck beds.One table stands in the middle with five students sitting around it.There ...
2015-03-05 回答者: 知道网友 1个回答 1
答:1、You needn't go home, so it saves much time.2、Living with roommates can help you with your interpersonal interaction .3、Living in the school, you need to obey the rules of the school, which makes you more likely to form into a good habit.
2015-10-27 回答者: 刘远伟321 1个回答 17
问:告诉你的好友张华,请他给予建议 ,的英语作文。
答:Dear Zhuanghua,I am so worried ,because my teaachers and my parents required me stay at school to study but I would like to study at home.Although they said that I would have more time to study and can solve the questions if I stay at school to study with classmates.How...
2012-01-13 回答者: panguanmei 1个回答 4
答:I'm going to study in the senior middle school in September.I can live either at school or at home.But I can't decide because both have advantages and disadwantages.At home,I have my own room.So I can have a good sleep.However,I have to share one room with 5-6 ...
2016-01-13 回答者: 知道网友 2个回答 1
答:Hi,MR/MRS (老师的姓):I'm Lihua,I'll be a freshman in the min-September of this year.It's a good thing,haa.But now I have some concerns on my mind.The first time I leave my parents to a holly new environment,to tell the truth,I‘m a little worried.Because I have...
2012-03-21 回答者: HappyChrisJen 2个回答 5
请大家帮我写一篇英语作文 就是比较在家好还是在学校住宿好 初三水平的...
答:At home, feel warm, can eat to mom's delicious meals, family help promote learning In the school can exercise myself, all of the things themselves, it can experience life, help to grow I think a good home, also should yourself to do something, do not always depend on their...
2009-06-15 回答者: 我们都有过 1个回答 5
答:As my examination results dropped to a new low last term, both my teachers and my parents want me to stay in the school hostel. They feel that this will improve my results as I will save time travelling to school every day. However, I do not want to stay in the school ...
2013-09-12 回答者: 知道网友 1个回答 2
英文作文 假若你是一个住宿生,请讲述一次你想家的经历
答:I very miss home.I hope my father and mother are well.翻译:想家 我是一个住宿的学生,我真的很想念家里。我非常想念我的父亲和母亲。在家里,他们经常给我讲故事。我经常听得很入神。他们经常帮助我做作业。他们经常为我烹饪美味的食物。离开家乡时,他们告诉我很多东西。例如:你不能和同学打架...
2015-06-20 回答者: 知道网友 1个回答 2
英语作文 关于大学校园生活是否满意
答:我的大学生活 时间过得真快啊,一晃我已经是大学生了,在大学生活这段时间,经历了很多事,我也结实了很多朋友。在住校这段期间,改变了我很多,例如,我从出生那天起,我从未在外住过,每天都回家里,家务从来没做过,都是父母给我安排好的,然而,到了大学,如何处理我和室友和同学的关系等问题,...
2011-06-05 回答者: 在滨城 2个回答 15
问:假如你叫张霖,暑假后就要进入大学(university)学习。由于住校(live at ...
答:Dear Bill:I’m desperatly needing your help.I'll go to the university after this summer vocation.Honestly,I‘m very happy to be admitted to my dreaming university.But now ,I’m worried about whether I live at school or at home .You konw ,if I live at school,I will have...
2010-12-10 回答者: 雪真2010 1个回答 3

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