问:情景四:B赞美A新买的手机。 A:嗨,好久不见,最近好吗? B:嗨,我很...
答:A:我也是航空服务专业,很高兴和你成为同班同学。That's very destined and we will help each other later.B:那真是太有缘了,以后我们互相帮助。No problem! What expectation do you have for university life?A:没问题!你对大学生活有什么期待吗?I want to have a full/rich on, and I...
2012-06-20 回答者: georgehigh 4个回答 1
答:Hello everyone!I am glad to stand here because this is the first time for me to talk with you. Though my English is very poor, I will try my best to speak some English .陈夏琪,Your English is very good!余燕丽,You are a good weiter,郭嘉欣,You are a beautiful and ...
2016-08-06 回答者: 想变美的鱼 19个回答 4
问:认识莎莎的第三天也是第三次见面,在公园的湖边无意中完成了一个杰作 之...
答:nice!I talked to Shasa that this photo was better than anything chummy or erotic because it could provid people imagination and reverie.--- 这是我自己翻译的,呵呵 希望对楼主有帮助.
2009-01-21 回答者: FEIGE_MINGE 5个回答 4
问:论陶渊明是个文学地位的确立 作者 指导老师 内容摘要:陶渊明诗歌在中国...
答:The Tao Yuanming poetry ancient times in the poetry history held the unique status in China, but was by no means problem-free to the ceramic poem artistic value's understanding, but passed through very long period of time, only then gradually is understood by the people and ...
2010-04-26 回答者: 知道网友 5个回答
有没有 英语高手 帮忙中文翻译成英文一下 重金悬赏!!
问:高手麻烦翻译成英文 环保生活 从点滴做起 环境保护对我们来说并不是一个...
答:At this point, the students of Beijing has been proposed for us many good advice, don't we have any need to hesitate?在这一点上,北京的中学生们已经为我们提出了不少好的建议,难道我们还有什么需要犹豫的吗?问题补充的翻译是:The green environmental protection, low carbon life" this ...
2010-10-20 回答者: 成长很累哟 18个回答
问:A:学了这么久的英语了,你觉得中国文化和西方文化的差异有哪些呢? B:...
答:Having studied english for so long,do you think what the differences are between Chinese culture and western countries culture?B:那可非常多,比如说在饮食方面,中国人很注重形式和外表,讲究“色、香、味”,所以中国烹调里,菜的样式千变万化,而西方人讲究实际,在菜的变化上从不下什么工夫...
2008-04-01 回答者: ustwo 4个回答
答:The real estate profession is the China national economy leadingindustry, holds the pivotal status in the modern social economy life.The various countries real estate industry development all is notproblem-free, although the present China real estate market movementis stable, but also is ...
2007-04-25 回答者: mxy1219 1个回答 1
拜托那位英语高手帮我翻译下啊 ~急用 别用翻译软件啊!
问:8 Compromising Wisely 8.1 How to Fight Schedule Pressure Time-to-ma...
答:激进的项目负责人会这样做并设置一个流程,我希望每个读者都能有幸使用它。37 8.2 How to Understand the User 如何理解客户需求 It is your duty to understand the user, and to help your boss understand the user.理解客户需求,并帮助你的老板理解客户需求是你的责任 Because the user is ...
2008-08-19 回答者: fleemargie 1个回答 3
问:Our assessment of your application We have completed a first assess...
2010-10-31 回答者: cyy1997媛媛 5个回答 3
答:him from his friends. After self-reflection he decides to join the contest by his own effort with his friends and aquires champion.He tells me that score achieved by opportunism can not make me happy. We must believe ourselves and work hard to be successful. 纯手工翻译~...
2009-11-25 回答者: 小女子有才 5个回答 1

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模 式