道歉信 英文 内容写一封道歉信 你的一位朋友昨天来看你,你正巧外出未遇...
答:Dear XXX,How are you?I got to know you had called at me yesterday, but unfortunately, I was not in. I am writing to say sorry to you. But I hope that if you come to vist me next time, please give me a call in advance.Best regards!XXX ...
2010-11-05 回答者: huahua634885 2个回答 6
答:but I'll certainly be correct. Look at my future performance. I'll work harder you back 亲爱的爸爸妈妈:在昨天晚上,我和你们大吵了一架.现在我认识自己错了,在此特地向你们道歉.我知道我有时是很任性,但是我以后一定会改正.请看我以后的表现.我会更加努力回报你们 望采纳,十分感谢。
2017-07-08 回答者: 你好hahahahaha 1个回答 19
2022-05-17 回答者: Liu钟意 1个回答
英文给校方的道歉信 原因旷课
答:have headache because of hypoxia.So if possible please give him a little tolerant .好了 就是这样了 大体就是为你给校方带来不便诚恳的道歉 对你行为的不满 已经和你谈过 保证不再犯 附加的一段是请校方体谅你现在住宿条件不好 多一些宽容 除了姓名的地方你自己写以外其他全部不用改动 ...
2018-04-19 回答者: 剑圣暮烟 1个回答 3
答:Dear sir,// I'm very sorry for offending you. Please forgive me. // I didn't mean anything with that word. I am just used to it. I promise not to use that word any more.// Please forgive me.// Regards,// XXX
2013-09-18 回答者: 知道网友 1个回答
答:My respectable teacher,我尊敬的老师,How's it going today?I hope everything goes well in your work. I don't know if you will 今天过得怎么样? 我希望您工作上一切都顺利。 我不知道您是否还会接受我的祝福,可我 accept my best wishes or not, i really can't help doing ...
2018-04-06 回答者: 粉粉的猪猪公主 5个回答 78
问:Mr.john Tan 投递一个包裹..但他们写的地址我们看错了,由于地址的错误...
答:OK! Let me help you:Dear xxx,I am excessively sorry for not diverying the package in time. Please accept my sincere apology with gratitude. I hope you will understand me and excuse me for my clarelessness.It all happened by accident.One of my workmates who made a mistake in...
2009-04-14 回答者: liang0909570 3个回答 1
英文写给老师的道歉信 由于缺课3天,英文字数150左右.理由自编._百...
答:Dear English teacher: Iam so sorry that I have absented your English class for three times.But I am not quite myself then.I say sorry that I dont come to have the class.I am not deliberately. Ihave felt the strong sins now.That I want that you can give me another ...
2019-05-19 回答者: 崔默单信然 1个回答
答:他给道格拉斯写了一封非常正式的道歉信。I feel very guilty for what I have done to you.对你们的所做所为我感觉很内疚。Please accept my most cordial and humblest apologies for…once more.请在再次为……接受我真诚的道歉 英文道歉信范文:Dear Ashley,Please accept my deepest apologies for...
2014-09-06 回答者: mayer756 1个回答
英文飞机延误道歉信怎么写?就是很 诚恳的道歉就行了,不用什么赔偿措施...
问:就是很 诚恳的道歉就行了,不用什么赔偿措施
答:Dear passengers,We are really apologized for the delay of the flight. Thanks for your patience of waiting. We can't tell how much we appreciate it. We finally have the whole story for you. The plane was delayed by a storm in Northern China. We could not tell how long it ...
2010-03-14 回答者: rbrt6 1个回答 8

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