问:here is a sweat baby like my teeth like my tongue or u like my figu...
答:(我自己翻译的,没用软件什么的,你看看吧)here is a sweat baby 这儿有个甜心.like my teeth like my tongue or u like my figure 你爱我的牙齿还是爱我的舌头还是爱我的身体.(或者比较好的翻译方法是意译,你是喜欢我的牙齿碰触你的牙齿的感觉还是喜欢我们的舌头彼此交缠的感觉还是你喜欢我的身体...
2007-04-11 回答者: shinjiao 1个回答 13
答:I had been there for 20 days, we put a three-day Mid-Autumn Festival holiday, I spent three days at home doing my homework.
2010-09-23 回答者: 小綿織 4个回答
问:I want this, I want that,Want everything that I can get But honey,...
答:I Want this , 我想要这,I want that 我想要那,Want everything that I can get 想要所有我可以得到的 But honey, 但是,亲爱的,Am I right 我说的对吗?Our love can't forget 我们的爱不能忘却。猖狂是一件好事!it's good to be savaged....
2008-08-28 回答者: nancysid 15个回答 2
答:我也去答题访问个人页 关注 展开全部 那位英语强人帮忙翻译一下? 希望可以帮到你: The incredible beauty that I can hardly believe all the way. 那位帮忙翻译一下,用英语 Posterior hemivertebrae excision and pedicle screw fixation for the treatment of congenital scoliosis 那位英语高手帮忙翻译一下?
2022-10-12 回答者: 於山菱 1个回答
答:I have a good friend ,She has long hair.and she is very friendly clever and hard working.but sometimes she feels as if she is visiting a place
2015-09-20 回答者: tlw123321 2个回答 11
答:You have been to university for five weeks. University life is simple and interexting, there are many things to be learnt. For example, higher mathematics, higher physics, and there are English, Chinese, Physical Education..Most of the lessons are conducted in the morning. At ...
2006-09-17 回答者: 粉红香香 2个回答
问:当山峰没有棱角的时候 当河水不再流 当时间停住日夜不分 当天地万物化为...
答:当山峰没有棱角的时候It would be not until the mountain crumbled 当河水不再流 and Stream run dry 当时间停住日夜不分 and Time stood still and Days ceased recurring 当天地万物化为虚有 and Universe disappeared 我还是不能和你分手 would I part from you 你的温柔是我今生最大的...
2011-04-15 回答者: wangmumu1024 2个回答 1
请帮忙翻译一下一下句子, 注意汉语否定形式的英文要译成肯定, 汉语肯 ...
问:同行是冤家。 天无绝人之路。 我劝你别多管闲事。 我们学校师资力量不足...
答:1,Two of a trade seldom agree.2,Heaven must be a way.3,I advise you not nosy.或 I advise you don't mind their own business.4, Faculty is shortage in our school.5,I must study hard and never live up to the expectations of parents....
2013-09-28 回答者: 知道网友 2个回答
问:“How human error and poor performance has become an everyday occurr...
答:and 连接两个句子 How human error and poor performance has become an everyday occurrence on how you interface with technology 在怎样与科技相互交流方面,人为错误和糟糕的表现是怎样成为日常发生的事件。how, as a result of this course, you will ensure better performance as a result of ...
2010-10-01 回答者: fascinatinglov 4个回答
谁能帮我翻译一下这些英语句子 高分!!
问:1:What is he going to do? 2:What film are you going to see? 3:When ...
答:1 他打算做什么 2 你打算看什么电影 3 我们打算什么时候开始 4 我们打算在哪里开始 5和6有打错么 怎么有ate?7 为什么不去我家里看电视呢?8 我去过北京很多次了 这都是很普通的句子,将来时居多
2009-09-05 回答者: L妖一 4个回答 4

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