答:Simba grew up from a little lion into a king. I think of Simba's father saying to Simba, "look, the stars in the sky are watching us and guiding us." yes, everyone's dream will come true as long as there is perseverance.翻译:今天,我看了电影《狮子王》。它主要讲了小...
2021-09-20 回答者: 郑同学是樱丸子 2个回答 20
2021-07-16 回答者: 阿卡索外教网 12个回答 37
答:60到80个词的观后感?你开玩笑吧?给你一篇,你自己挑80个词吧,希望你能凑得出80个词的观后感。Birdman flies very, very high. Intense emotional currents and the jagged feelings of volatile actors are turned loose to raucous dramatic and darkly comedic effect in one of the most sustained examples of...
2015-06-08 回答者: tyuan629 1个回答 2
答:The little princeThe little prince, the novel is named after him, is a mysterious and lovely children. He lives in is known as B - 612 small planet, is the only residents of the small planet. The little prince leave his planet travel and love roses began universe, finally ...
2016-01-17 回答者: cn#aVfBLpQLLp 6个回答 39
答:这部电影首映于 2000 年,有着《鲁宾逊漂流记》这部经典巨著相类似的情节,有着汤姆·汉克斯这样蝉联两届奥斯卡影帝的倾心演绎,有着罗伯特·泽米基斯这位伟大导演独具匠心的创作构思……这所有元素无疑将《荒岛余生》这部电影熔炼成一部不朽的经典之作。生活毕竟充满了许多未知数和确定的因素, 在一次出差...
2022-10-22 回答者: 崔毛毛丫154 1个回答
答:War Horse was such a wonderful movie. This movie exceeded my expectations. It was moving, emotional, beautiful, and so heartwarming. It's sure to become a classic. You don't have to be a horse lover to love this movie.There isn't a lot of blood, but you can still see...
2016-08-20 回答者: 0yxd之歌 2个回答 26
答:Jane Austen, in December 1775 16 - July 18, 1817), Austin's biography: Austin, 1775 December (born 16 Steven meal Xiang parish family pastor. Being a good family education,the main material is the father of literary books. Austin, a love to read popular novels, her teenage ...
2015-05-15 回答者: 1563014486 1个回答 6
答:电影 英文 This year summer vacation, I read the American well-known writer Hemingway's novel " old person and sea ". I extremely admire in the novel the senior fisherman's will, he let me understand one person certainly must have relentless spirit, only then could obtain ...
2014-02-05 回答者: 韩奕伊欢 3个回答 2
2012-02-02 回答者: 守梦蝶 3个回答 5
答:At the first time I saw the film, I was deeply touched by the naught and lovely twins, Especially the first time they were met at the school. It is very interesting, then I was touched by the content of the film, I think the love Is very important In our life, whenever...
2013-06-10 回答者: xiaodcg 1个回答 2

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