答:特向你方道歉!道歉方 X年X月X日 注意事项 事情原委要解释清楚。说明情况与理由,实事求是,简明扼要。态度诚恳。用词委婉,语气温和,得体。请把握写道歉信的几个原则,譬如,口气诚恳,说明清楚为何你觉得要道歉?以及日后你希望怎样补救?不要忘了两个要件:“检讨自己”和“感谢对方”
2019-09-29 回答者: 小甜甜爱亮亮 1个回答 1
答:英语道歉信带翻译一:Dear Charlie,Kindly excuse me for my not being able to see you off at the airport this Saturday as I have promised. A major business partner of our company will be attending an important conference in Xiamen this weekend, and my boss finally chooses me to ...
2022-02-17 回答者: 棠萼home 19个回答 1
答:感谢信 appreciation, thank 道歉信 apology, apologize, sorry 申请信 apply,application 求助信 ask sb。 to do, ask for help 咨询信 inquire, ask for information 邀请信 invite, invitation 辞职信 resign, resignation 建议信 suggest, advice, suggestion 投诉信 complain, complaint 书信格式...
2023-12-18 回答者: cxj时光与你 1个回答
答:在当下社会,感谢信在生活中的使用越来越广泛,写感谢信比口头感谢更加真挚。还是对感谢信一筹莫展吗?下面是我为大家收集的英文感谢信5篇,仅供参考,希望能够帮助到大家。 英文感谢信 篇1 Dear Ellen I am writing to you to give our thanks for your kind enterainment.Both you and Bob are wonderful hosts....
2022-07-20 回答者: 胆碳椭82 1个回答
答:英文感谢信 篇4 I am writing to express my thanks for 我写这封信是为了表达我对的谢意。 I would like to convey in this letter my heartfelt thanks to you for 在信中我要为表达我真挚的谢意。 Thank you so much for the gift you sent me. Its one of the most wonderful gifts I ever got...
2022-07-08 回答者: 於山菱 1个回答
答:Dear English teacher: Iam so sorry that I have absented your English class for three times.But I am not quite myself then.I say sorry that I dont e to have the class.I am not deliberately. Ihave felt the strong sins now.That I want that you can give me another chance....
2022-11-11 回答者: 魍魉JJW 1个回答
答:Dear ___(对象),I am truly sorry that ___(道歉的原因).The reason is that ___(介绍原因).Once again, I am sorry for any inconvenience caused. Hope you can accept my appologies and understand my situation.Yours Sincerely,Li Ming ...
2019-12-28 回答者: bear儿飞飞 1个回答
答:在当下社会,越来越多的事务都会使用到感谢信,感谢信可以用来感谢和表扬帮助、支持、关心的人。我们该怎么写感谢信呢?下面是我为大家整理的英文感谢信8篇,仅供参考,大家一起来看看吧。 英文感谢信 篇1 最佳活用 句式 1、Please accept my profound appreciation for .I wish to express my sincere appreciation ...
2022-06-22 回答者: 於山菱 1个回答
答:在不断进步的时代,在很多情况下我们需要用到感谢信,在写作上,感谢信有一定的写作技巧。千万不要把感谢信写成流水账喔!以下是我收集整理的英文感谢信8篇,供大家参考借鉴,希望可以帮助到有需要的朋友。 英文感谢信 篇1 Mrs***: I am so thankful to write the letter to you to express my admiration to you...
2022-08-07 回答者: 魍魉JJW 1个回答
答:在现实生活中,很多地方都会使用到感谢信,在写作上,感谢信有一定的书写规范。千万不能认为感谢信随便应付就可以,以下是我为大家收集的英文感谢信5篇,仅供参考,希望能够帮助到大家。英文感谢信 篇1 dear sir :i am very glad that you are my teacher,you are one of the best teachers who...
2022-06-17 回答者: 折翼的小2B41 1个回答

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