答:It has been said time and again that music can make you happy or make you cry. It can make you dance or make you relax. But most of all music can heal –- and that is through music therapy.I like music that I can sing along with. What about you?
2009-06-01 回答者: dorothy58 1个回答
答:hi, there. i am 姓名. i am so happy to talk about myself in front of you today, and i want to share some hobbies with you at this moment.i am fond of listening to music so much, especially pop music and blues, i will feel so relaxed while listening to the music. ...
2013-07-07 回答者: 知道网友 1个回答 2
答:My favorite English song This is my favorite English pop music. It has come from one film called "Big Expecting Air". The famous NBA star Micheal Jordan is starring in the film. I was in primary school when watching the film, and got to know the song. By now this song ...
2011-01-15 回答者: wuzongren001 1个回答 4
答:My experiences about music concert last week :I 'm fond of music from childhood couse that I whisper to myself in sing often when I have some lessonses which I 'm not intrested in ,even I will sing when I walk alonely because so much music l loved and I heard.Monday ...
2012-08-08 回答者: hjana2012 1个回答 2
答:Pop music is a genre of popular music distinguished from classical or art music and from folk music [1]. The term indicates specific stylistic traits, but the genre also includes elements of rock, hip hop, dance,and country, making it a flexible category. The expression "pop ...
2016-12-02 回答者: ervinwei 2个回答 65
关于音乐 的英语名言(带意思)
答:音乐是治疗心灵苦恼的药。——沃尔特·哈登 5、Musical innocation is full of danger to the state,for when modes of music change,the laws of the state always change with them.——Plato 音乐上的革新对国家充满了危险,因为当音乐的调式发生变化时,国家的法律也要随之变化了。—柏拉图 ...
2019-08-11 回答者: christian8812 5个回答 32
问:如题。。 好的会给分~
答:one could probably hear it turning to marimba music.The little ocher dredge at work off the end of the dock already plays the dry perfectly off-beat claves.The birds are outsize. Pelicans crash into this peculiar gas unnecessarily hard.it seems to me, like pickaxes,rarely coming ...
2011-01-26 回答者: 炫醉 2个回答 1
问:寻找一篇关于中国歌曲的鉴赏(要英文的) 民歌,山歌,军歌,流行歌都行...
答:of China by the Ministry of Culture. 被音乐界誉为“天籁之音”的蒙古族呼麦唱法堪称“绝技”,近年来,经挖掘整理,为越来越多的内蒙古艺人所掌握。呼麦已被中国文化部列入全国非物质文化遗产推荐项目名录。Source: China Intercontinental Press 参考资料:Mongolian Traditional Folk Long Song 长调 ...
2009-10-13 回答者: totoroamour 4个回答
答:traditional music传统音乐 classical music古典~light music轻~dancing music舞曲 pop music流行 folk music民间音乐 country music乡村~Jazz爵士 rock-&-roll摇滚 blues布鲁斯,蓝调 swing摇摆乐 campus songs校园歌曲 civic ballad民谣 national music民族音乐 world famous music世界名曲 folk songs民歌 art ...
2012-05-18 回答者: a495541996 1个回答 1
答:4.关于音乐的知识 Hip-Hop起源于80年代,B.P.M约在90-110拍,中文翻译为嘻哈。 Hip-Hop前生是Rap和一点点的R&B,再加上各种磨片的音效声,属于80年代开始年轻人爱玩的音乐。Hip-Hop舞从字面上来看Hip是臀部;Hop是单脚跳,Hip-Hop则是轻扭摆臀,可以看出它的出处。Hip-Hop涵有有Rap的饶舌和较R&B复杂的节奏...
2022-10-18 回答者: 哈說與丶255 1个回答

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