问:1.他们在火车抵达以前20分钟就已到达车站。 2.有迹象表明此事故是完全可...
答:5.He devoted all his life to benefitting the humankind.6.我交了一个叫罗伯特·威尔逊的朋友,他是一个加拿大学生。7.像班里一半的同学那样,我的大学开销部分来自奖学金。8.我哥哥主修哲学。9.他是一个有责任感的医生,他很享受病人对他(医术)的信任。10.你喜欢昨天的音乐会么?(楼上有...
2009-10-27 回答者: Dragonfly龙飞 4个回答 3
答:5. You have a friend like you, like the English teacher? «It to you to let me talk about my school English teacher Kelly bar. Lelly is a 25-year-old female teacher, she was A beautiful curly hair. She likes to laugh and the story, we like her.6. Approaching ...
2008-08-19 回答者: y7436079 6个回答 1
麻烦帮我翻译 一下英语邮件吧·谢谢了
问:Hello?my chinese (german in the future) girl,you forgot the most im...
答:他们说的美国, 帮外国人找工作很难。But it ids getting easier if you have a good education.但是如果你有学业的话, 就会容易点。One possibility might be as a translator from chinese to english or german or as a teacher for chinese language.其中一个可能性是当翻译员, 从中文到英文...
2012-06-18 回答者: Bukulin 2个回答 1
用英语帮我翻译一 下:今天,我17岁了,时 间过的真快,我也即将 迈入高 ...
问:请用英语帮我翻译一 下:今天,我17岁了,时 间过的真快,我也即将 迈入...
答:看图片 这是我的翻译 应该就是这样了 呵呵 一个单词一个单词敲出来的 也挺麻烦的 希望采纳哦~
2012-08-09 回答者: 知道网友 4个回答
问:my hobbies Dear teacher and classmates: I am very glad to say somet...
答:所以,我的英语学习非常努力。我希望我能在世界各地旅行和讲英语的外国人一天。然后,我可以谈北京2008年奥运会他们。这是我梦想中的五颜六色的英语世界。还有更多我喜欢做的事。还有更多我想说的。也许我可以告诉你更多的下一次。谢谢你听。我理想中的学校 我希望我的理想中的学校上午8时30分开始,...
2009-08-19 回答者: potatohyx 4个回答
答:Hello everyone!I am glad to stand here because this is the first time for me to talk with you. Though my English is very poor, I will try my best to speak some English .陈夏琪,Your English is very good!余燕丽,You are a good weiter,郭嘉欣,You are a beautiful and ...
2016-08-06 回答者: 想变美的鱼 19个回答 4
问:千万不要用在线翻译~~莫坑人~~ 1.团结友爱 2.上课认真听讲 3.不说脏话 4...
答:1.团结友爱 Stick together 2.上课认真听讲 To be attentive in class 3.不说脏话 Be polite!4.不能欺负同学 Don't bully your classmates 5.不抄同学的答案 No cheating!
2009-05-24 回答者: 57percent 5个回答
能帮我翻译一下UG 模具下的英文单词???
问:主要就是这装配导航器下的 我初学模具设计 经常需要把部件隐藏和显示 看...
答:你这里面出现的英文的都有,自己对照一下印象才深 Load produc加载产品 Mlod CSYS 模具坐标系 Product Body Center 产品中心 Shrinkage收缩率 Work piece 成型镶件 Boundary Face Center 边界面的中心 Mord Insert 模型嵌件 Layout多腔模体布局 Parting Manager分型管理 Mold Base模架 Standard Part标准件 ...
2010-04-27 回答者: xuzheng_8624 3个回答 4
能帮我翻译俩句英文!! 如果你知道去哪 世界会为你让路 这俩句 谁给...
答:这句话原来就是从英文翻译过来的,原文我记得是:The world makes way for a man who knows where he is going!补充一下,查了一下google,俺的记性还是蛮不错的!lol 看一下老外的原文就知道了:http://www.nancylohman.com/Blog/Nancys-Morning-Coffee-The-world-makes-way-for-a-man-who-...
2011-07-31 回答者: pilgrim2000 6个回答 2
问:In short, a person is born at the time of the year in which the arr...
答:In short, a person is born at the time of the year in which the arrangement of the heavenly branches (i.e., the eight characters) is destiny.简而言之,一个人出生在一年中,天分的排列(即八个字符)是命运。However, it is impossible to calculate the value of money, base, good...
2018-07-25 回答者: zghzhj2008 2个回答

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