英文电影观后感100字 英文100字电影观后感
答:it is still an outstanding movie.Its a great movie to share with the whole family.Youll laugh,youll cry,youll be amazed!Its a classic for years and years to come.在我看过的所有迪斯尼电影中,《狮子王》是有史以来最出色的电影之一。故事感人,人物令人难以置信,音乐优美。演员的选择...
2022-07-06 回答者: 胆碳椭82 1个回答
答:英文电影观后感200词【1】This is a story in modern London of a modern sherlork. This TV drama is based on the famouse detective novel of the british novelist Arthur Conan Doyle.It took the background from the 19C to the 21 centry .And the fashion and talent detective sherlock ...
2022-07-21 回答者: Mio丶315 1个回答
答:英文电影观后感英语 《勇敢的心》--观后感Set in the late 13th century, 'Braveheart' is the story of one of Scotland's greatest national heroes Sir William Wallace。 leader of the Scottish resistance forces during the first years of the long, ultimately successful struggle to free Scotland from ...
2022-06-05 回答者: 胆碳椭82 1个回答
答:肖申克的救赎观后感英文:I have always heard that "The Shawshank Redemption" is a very good film, when I have watched it; I thought the film is very successful.In Shawshank prison, there was a man called Andy. He was innocent .So he was always looking for opportunities to ...
2021-12-23 回答者: 一条酸菜鱼h 1个回答 23
答:Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire follows Harry Potter's fourth year at Hogwarts as he is chosen by the Goblet of Fire to complete in the Tri-Wizard Tournament. This film stays quite true to the book.The acting is amazing. The returning and new cast members are amazing and...
2017-10-13 回答者: 知道网友 3个回答 32
答:功夫熊猫》(《Kung Fu Panda》)的:<1> Funny!I see this movie lastweek,So terrfic,this film make me loving Kung Fu!My liitle sister love the panda very much ,She ask me which kind annimal of Panda?I told her its one of the cutiest animal in the world ,it only lives ...
2016-12-02 回答者: cherry_wangily 2个回答 198
答:观后感的表达方式灵活多样,基本属于议论范畴,但写法不同于一般议论文,因为它必须是在观看后的基础上发感想。简单来说就是观赏过后的感触,重要是描写感受,具体如下:From story data, to music orchestration, to the clever design of cartoon characters, to visual effects and sensuality, to ...
2021-08-30 回答者: 初空的半夜汽笛 2个回答 11
答:英文电影:阿甘正传观后感(中英文对照) 阿甘有自己的坚持,他不断地跑步,JUST RUNS. 他跑步不为任何理由。他说:"人要往前看,千万不要被过去拖累。我想我跑步就是这个意义”和过去告别,不停留在原处。也许这世界上太多人随拨逐流,很少人会坚持做一件事,阿甘坚持自己的坚持,于是他成了“神”。
2022-11-02 回答者: 崔毛毛丫154 1个回答
迪士尼电影 英文观后感
答:Sleepless in Seattle《西雅图不眠夜》Sleepless in Seattle has been billed as a "romantic comedy", but the accent is more on romance than humor. Comic moments are kept to a minimum, and there are only a couple of openly funny scenes (one involves a comparison of "male" and "...
2017-11-23 回答者: cuicui5920990 2个回答 57
问:求4篇英文电影读后感100字左右。 初中水平:语法、单词都不要太难。 希...
答:泰坦尼克号 After the appreciation of the film “Titanic”, I have noticed some meaningful details behind the peoples’ general impression of simply an affectional film. The wreck of the Titanic occurred in 1912, in which the great recession started from the end of the 19th Century ...
2014-07-24 回答者: 亲爱的轮回14 1个回答 5

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