问:oh, say, can you see, by the dawn's early light, what so proudly we...
答:在黎明的最后一道曙光中欢呼,是谁的旗帜在激战中始终高扬!烈火熊熊,炮声隆隆,我们看到要塞上那面英勇的旗帜 在黑暗过后依然耸立!啊!你说那星条旗是否会静止,在自由的土地上飘舞,在勇者的家园上飞扬?英文原文如下:oh, say, can you see, by the dawn's early light,what so proudly we ...
2009-03-01 回答者: 龙之天爱 2个回答 2
问:英译中: 1、A person with a good vocabulary is not only impressive...
答:英译中 1 词汇量大的人不仅让人印象深刻,而且他/她也能同时更好的与你沟通并理解一些复杂的观点。2 一个测试人类态度的研究机构发现词汇量丰富是成功人士的唯一共同点。3 它告诉你什么书可以读,那些看法你能理解。4 我们所学习的新单词其实也包括与之相关的词和句子。5 它代表了你的看法。它给予...
2013-11-07 回答者: 莫曦妹 2个回答 6
问:试比较希腊古典神话与中国少数民族神话中的狩猎女神 中国很多少数民族的...
答:中国很多少数民族的神话中有着各自信仰的本民族狩猎神。||Chinese have in a lot of myths of national minorities each hunt absolute being from this race believe in.值得注意的是一些中国少数民族例如:怒族、鄂伦春族、彝族、纳西族、拉祜族等他们所信仰的猎神与古希腊神话中的阿尔忒弥斯一样为...
2006-05-28 回答者: 小明辉 3个回答
问:引言 众所周知,中国是一个拥有悠久历史的文明古国,其文化渊远流长,为...
答:As we all know, China has a long history and ancient civilization, its culture Yuan Yuan-long, the development of the mankind made great contributions.In China's long history of the various periods have been in it for the world premiere of the world's scientific and technological...
2007-09-29 回答者: 双斩生 5个回答 1
问:不要用翻译软件之类的,谢谢了。翻译的好追加分数! I am glad to write...
2010-02-05 回答者: 2010ANTHONY 4个回答 4
问:下面这一段英文,谁帮我翻译一下? Beware the beares of false gifts &...
答:以下是我的翻译,差不多一样的。Beware the beares of false gifts & their broken promises 要提防他们(带信人)虚假的礼物和不守信的承若 Much pain but still time 有很多痛苦,但仍有时间(去缓解)There is good out there 在外面(的世界)那里有好的 We opose deception 我们反对欺骗 Con...
2010-08-28 回答者: jlhuang_05 9个回答 4
问:麻烦各位帮我用英文翻译一下take me home,country road着歌曲的感受 如...
答:John Denver is the pop music and the country music folk music talent,he is a super singing star, many times occupies the first place in thepopular song and in the village song order list, he or work someclassics likes "Village Path" and "Makes contact with Jet plane" the...
2007-03-11 回答者: 幻影魔盗 3个回答 1
问:汇编课程同步练习系统的设计与开发 摘要:近年来,随着信息技术的发展,...
答:Compilation of course synchronization of the exercise system design and development Abstract: In recent years, with the development of information technology, the compilation of course synchronization system to practice a wide range of applications, the compilation of course synchronous system ...
2008-10-06 回答者: San_Judy 4个回答
问:1.诊断自己的时间 诊断自己的时间,目的在于知道自己的时间是如何耗用...
答:1.Diagnose one's own time. Diagnose one's own time, the purpose lies in knowing how consumed one's own time. For this reason, should record the consumption situation of time. Grasp and do the most important thing in best time of energy. The best time of energy, vary with ...
2008-10-24 回答者: 中冲先生 3个回答
答:If I had a million dollars. I will choose April traveling to Japan, I choose to Japan this place because Japanese art, architecture, and attracted by the beautiful natural environment, and in April to also can appreciate the cherry blossoms. I will choose flying by Hong Kong ...
2010-11-27 回答者: yuanxiaone 3个回答 1

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