maths test是什么意思?
答:maths test对我们有什么意义?maths test 照亮了我们学习数学的路程,这不仅是我们学习成绩的指示器,而且也是我们在学习数学知识和应用中所面临的挑战。它不仅能够帮助学生温故知新,树立信心,还可以更好的帮助学生了解自己的优劣势,不断地锻炼自己的数学思维和解题能力。在我们的日常工作和生活中,数学也...
2024-04-05 回答者: 武汉誉祥科技 1个回答
问:急求54篇初二完形填空和54篇初二阅读理解!!!!! 要有答案,不用解析. 不要...
答:“It’ll be my sixteenth birthday tomorrow. I’ll have a birthday party. Will you please come?” “ 7 . I’m glad to,” the boy said happily. David got home and thought of a 8 he could give to Cathy. He was sorry that he 9 to ask the girl what she liked. He couldn’t ...
2016-12-02 回答者: chenhaoranbdzh 11个回答 79
答:有经验的教师面向各种层次的学生开设数学和爱尔兰语小型教学班。He was goofing off from incessant maths homework.他想躲开无休无止的数学作业。I loved maths when I was at school.我在学校时喜欢数学。[as modifier]her mother was a maths teacher.她的母亲是数学教师。She was brainy, except ...
2021-10-01 回答者: 大太阳花水瓶 8个回答
答:test,英 [test],美 [test]n. 考验;试验;测试 vt. 试验;测试;接受测验 形容词: testable 名词: testability 过去式: tested 过去分词: tested 现在分词: testing 第三人称单数: tests test用作名词的基本意思是“测验”,指用一系列需要回答的问题来考查应试者对某一科目的了解,也可指用一...
2021-10-29 回答者: zhaoyshat56 4个回答 1
2022-10-27 回答者: FINNyuhao 3个回答
七、词语填空 用 方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,使短文通顺、正确、连...
问:七、词语填空(共10小题,计10分) 用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,使...
答:1.schools 2.have 3.difference 4.those 5.of 6.far 7.a 8.what 9.match 10.higher 望采纳
2015-01-21 回答者: 经年灬忆痕 3个回答
maths怎么读, maths的音标是什么?
答:math和maths都是单词mathematics的缩写形式,其基本意思是“数学;运算;计算”,两者含义一致,唯一的不同点是使用地区不同,math为美式英语,主要在美国使用,maths则为英式英语,主要在英国使用。五、例句:The teacher will test us in maths.老师将测验我们数学。That maths exam I took was a ...
2024-04-04 回答者: 913水玲珑 2个回答 1
inspect 和 test 的区别
问:(测验,考察)inspect 和 test 的区别
答:He had a blood test.他验过血了。3. 检验;检验标准 4. 测验;考察;小考 We are to have a history test next week.下周我们有历史测验。5. 考验 vt.1. 试验;检验;测验[(+for/in/on)]The doctor tested his ears.医生检查他的耳朵。The teacher will test us in maths.老师将测验我们...
2006-06-01 回答者: kttsang 2个回答 4
---I think maths is playing a more important part in the new test...
问:---I think maths is playing a more important part in the new test s...
答:C 试题分析:句意:--我认为数学在新的测试系统起着更重要的作用,你认为呢?—英雄所见略同,我们应该更加专注于它 。A. No pains, no gains.不劳而获; B. Fact speaks louder than words. 事实善于雄辩; C. Great minds think alike. 英雄所见略同; D. Don’t claim to know ...
2016-11-05 回答者: 越越越夜1621 1个回答
答:Man: Can I have some? Woman: Er..., mmm..., but there's little left. 2. Man: Could you help me with my lessons? Woman: Which subject are you weak in? Man: Well, I don't do well in History, Maths, English, er..., Science and so on. Woman: I'm good at Science, but...
2011-11-01 回答者: xhf_1108 20个回答 74

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