答:Can you get someone who can speak Chinese with me?
2011-06-19 回答者: w1bon 3个回答 1
问:蓝色的我 我是蓝色。有点忧郁,但又不失天真,有点可爱,但又任性调皮。...
答:Blue color me I am the blue color. A little melancholy, but does not losenaively, is a little lovable, but does as one pleases mischievously.I like the sea, the blue color mighty waves, the white spray, alwayscan surge the innermost feelings sympathetic chord.The blue color ...
2006-11-15 回答者: ぺ胖ΒáЪЧ 4个回答
答:1. Sunny skies today, I also feel very good. Holiday to be busy because a lot of things so formulated a plan for himself, get up at 8:00 in the morning two hours practicing After learning one hour after lunch to go to school at night watching TV And reading, every day ...
2008-08-19 回答者: y7436079 6个回答 1
答:photosensitive circuit resistance and the AT89C51 microcontroller chip such as several described.In the software section, this paper flowchart. With the system, final commissioning and successful, this last part of the performance of the system were tested and analyzed.希望可以帮到你 ...
2011-06-02 回答者: 我事本但 2个回答 2
问:Also, I like making friends with different people, especially those...
2008-10-15 回答者: franscoise123 4个回答 1
问:我愿自己变成夜空里的一颗小星.每天晚上挂在你的窗前. 我也希望你成为一...
答:I would like themselves into the night sky inside a little star. Every night hanging in your window.I hope you become a little star in the night sky decorated. Every night, I looked up and could see you.
2010-08-18 回答者: 柳树盯 1个回答
问:中文摘要 为切实保障女性生育期间的基本生活和医疗保健的需要,确保劳动...
2011-03-17 回答者: 火美媚 4个回答
答:I am very glad to recive your E-mail.My name is **,you can call my English name **,as you like.I am very happy to be with you in the nine days.However,I can't speak English properly sometimes. Please forgive me if there is something roude.It's very exciting to ...
2009-05-09 回答者: 赤雪轩 3个回答 5
问:Please accept my apologies for not writing sooner, but things has b...
答:我想知道你和我们或许可以成为soulmates ,但正如我所说的那样我只是不知道如何使这一切发生的时刻。我说你到我的雅虎聊天,将看你上线。如果你想向我发送一封电子邮件,让我知道您的时间将可以聊天,我将尽一切努力来满足你。最后,我真的很喜欢它,如果你能寄给我的照片您已经张贴在白血病 ...
2008-10-02 回答者: 450534281 3个回答 1
答:but I am start to think that maybe you could be my E-pal(Email上聊天的朋友,如果你想用纸写信,用pen-pal.多废话一句,我最好的外国朋友也懒得给我用纸写信,他宁愿给我打电话,建议你们用E-mail聊天), as long as you are in China, maybe you could also use some practical advices ...
2010-10-16 回答者: wenye12121 4个回答

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