答:nowadays part-time job has become more and more popluar. for this many students want to have a part time job in order to get some pocket money. although it has a huge number of drawbcks,but in my opinion, part-time job has many merits.first, it can let students enrich ...
2013-01-03 回答者: 雅薰2010 1个回答 8
答:Do you want to see the Great Wall of China or the Harbour Bridge in Sydney or visit the New York City in America? When you want to travel to those places, will you choose to get there by plane or train? Have you ever thought about which one is more economic? Which one ...
2014-09-21 回答者: cn#BVkfkuafuL 1个回答
答:Hello, everyone. Today, we will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of living in China.Firstly, I believe living in China has many benefits. Chinese students can enjoy nine years of compulsory education. Since 2006, the central government has also provided funding to encourage ...
2024-05-26 回答者: 唔哩生活 1个回答
问:好处:以后可以找到好工作,可以为父母争光,可以变得有知识 坏处:浪费...
答:Advantages and disadvantages of having school uniform Some people think that students should wear school uniform.Because it can not only save students'money but also reduce the psychological comparisons which can make a difference among the students.Besides,students don't have to waste ...
2013-11-12 回答者: 知道网友 1个回答
答:两年后,我意识到,我可以用有助于自己成长的活动来填满日子.I now wish I had traveled to nearby cities, spent my days reading in a cafe, triedacupuncture—anything out of the ordinary.现在我希望我能游遍附近的城市,把时间用在在咖啡馆里阅读、尝试针灸——任何与众不同的东西上.The truth...
2017-10-15 回答者: J查查 3个回答 8
答:最佳答案 Apparently, most schools often organize sports activities, such as football games, races and etc. However, people have different views about these sports activities.Most teachers hold the opinion that sports activities are good to the health of the students and can reduce the ...
2013-08-15 回答者: 知道网友 2个回答 5
答:我们可以了解世界各地的事件。我们能了解天气、信息、法律、文化知识等等。忙碌的工作后我们可以看一些娱乐节目放松自己。电视为我们带来了好处,但它也有坏影响。一些学生日夜看电视,这影响了他们的功课。一些节目不适合孩子们看。所以我们应该按照不同的年龄,在合适的时间选取合适的节目看。Now TV has ...
2016-01-17 回答者: x113773 1个回答 3
答:家长非常希望通过外力的借助来快速提高孩子的成绩,从而能让孩子在日益剧增的竞争中独占先机或不被淘汰。然而,到底该不该补课,补课有何益处和负面效应呢,我们需要在补课之前,好好冷静的分析一下。 王尚老师给出分析,供大家参考下。给孩子补课必然有益处,个人感觉有以下几个方面:1,监督管理他们学习,...
2012-09-27 回答者: 留下一片林 2个回答 4
答:It has always been a controversial topic that whether it is good for a university student to stay in school hostel. Some opponents, mostly parents, always argue that students may go astray if they stay in student hostel.It is true to some extent. Most of the students have ...
2016-12-02 回答者: caidicaidi123 1个回答 6
答:And you have to shut off your cell phone on the plane. Sometimes you can't enjoy the beautiful scenery.译文:乘飞机旅行既快又舒适。这也节省了时间。如果你想去云南,坐飞机只需要三个多小时,但坐火车要花三十个多小时。美丽的女主人会在飞机上照顾你,所以你不必担心任何事情。当然,每个...
2021-09-17 回答者: SUHED 3个回答 2

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