一篇初一关于暑假计划英语作文。 谢谢!
答:The summer holiday is coming soon.I have made a plan about it. First, I will keep doing exercises.So that I will be stronger and healthier.Second,I will study hard at home and finnish my homework carefully.I will review what teachers have taught me.I will buy some useful ...
2011-08-10 回答者: 知道网友 3个回答 88
答:我的暑假计划 现在是七月,暑假就要到了.我们大多数将要度过暑假.并且我们都制定了暑假计划.我将把暑假安排得非常有意义.当然,我每天要完成暑假作业,锻炼身体,饭后散步.而且,我要学会如何做饭,因为我逐渐长大了,并且必须独立,不再依赖父母.另外,我真的盼望到上海世博园去旅游,它是一个难得的机会来观赏...
2016-08-19 回答者: 十七分休止 1个回答 26
初二英语作文:my vacation plans(我的假期计划)80字带翻译
答:The winter vacation will coming.and that's my plans for the vacation.寒假即将到来,然后下面的就是我对这个假期的打算。1,Everyone know that health is the base of revolution.have a good health is everyone's dream,so I will do my best to do sports during the holiday.每个人都...
2013-06-14 回答者: 知道网友 3个回答 54
英语作文 我的暑假计划
答:summer vacation plan Summer is a long time for me to do all kinds of things .I want to visiting some places interesting .And I like travelling by train .It takes me too much time ,but it saves money .Sometimes I stay at home and do my homework ,sometimes I help my paren...
2019-11-23 回答者: 箕杨氏哀棋 1个回答 4
答:I'm going to learn more about history,as I'm really poor on it.So you see, I'll have a terrific vacation!随着暑假的临近,我有一个计划,我的假期。我会做我想做的事情。我要努力学习,以取得好成绩在下列术语。结束后我的所有功课,我要去享受比赛在海中的知识。阅读必须是一个好...
2013-09-10 回答者: 知道网友 1个回答 4
答:palns for the summer holidays summer holiday is coming. in order to help the students have a meaningful holiday, we will have the following plans:we have a 50-day summer holiday. so we will plan to do the following activities: we will spend 24 days learning about things and ...
2018-04-02 回答者: 知道网友 1个回答 4
答:In the summer,I want to make a plan about my life of summer vacation.First,I will finish my homework for 20 days.Because when I finish my homework ,I will be really relaxed.Then,I would like to go to some famous and beautiful cities to enjoy myself with my family.Next,I...
2012-08-30 回答者: Bill比尔123 1个回答 1
2022-02-10 回答者: 和风景约会 26个回答 1
2013-11-15 回答者: ANGLE冰沫沫 2个回答 2
答:field.经过这个暑假的努力,我在这方面做得很成功。Finally, I also made a lot of plans for my summer vacation, meeting friends, doing sports and so on. I will have a rich summer vacation.最后,我也为暑假生活做了很多计划,见见朋友,做做运动等等。我度过的将是一个丰富的暑假。
2021-09-07 回答者: 天蝎wuda 3个回答 1

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