问:小弟英语不好,刚刚开始做外贸,谁能我帮我翻译一下下面这段话 我非常希...
答:里边用的词都是比较婉转的(比如would like, look forward to等)。另外,还有一些词汇是商务英语的专用词汇(比如inquire,询价 quote报价, establish bussiness relation建立商业往来)。这些词汇将来LZ也会用的到,还有一点要注意,商务往来之中通常是说我们(WE),而不是我(I)。
2009-09-22 回答者: sunrise0350 6个回答 1
答:born in Virginia, but when she was four months old, she came to China. Her mother tongue is Chinese, lived in China for more than forty years. She accepted the Chinese traditional education, she also love China. She is one of the first water margin to translated into English...
2013-08-19 回答者: cn#GLVfGfBap 2个回答 1
2013-03-06 回答者: wyh2670 2个回答 2
帮我这些英文问题 翻中文 不要翻译软体 会英语的帮忙一下
问:帮我把这些英文问题 翻中文 不要翻译软体 (尤其是 google ) 1. Predict ...
答:想一想John Henry 的特质。为何其他铁路工欣赏这些特质?为何铁路工们需要一个像John Henry这种能启发带动群体的榜样?2. Barack Obama had an American mother and an African father.奥巴马母亲是美国人,父亲是非洲人。He grew up in Hawaii and spent few years in Indonesia .他在夏威夷长大而且在...
2011-03-29 回答者: gulaoyes 5个回答
答:I rely on, be careful! A grenade! Oh hell, I've broken my leg, I don't fuck tube, fight back, oh oh oh oh fuck me die, well I got shot, on my left hand, oh oh! Me is going to see God today by ah ah ah ah ah......
2014-10-08 回答者: 我思故我在244 2个回答
答:to woke with any type of people.6. 在她手里,一片普通的纸可以被检出各种花样。In her hand, a piece of common paper could be cut into various kinds of flowers.7.这种甜言蜜语可能让你很受用,但不适用于我。Such sweet words might please you, but they do not work for me....
2018-02-22 回答者: tonhr 3个回答 21
问:请帮我把下面一段话翻译成英文: 最后一座房子 年逾花甲的老木匠向老板请...
答:The last house The old carpenter of over sixty years of age requests the retirement from the owner, prepare to go home children with wife share the happiness of family reunion.The boss return true loathe to give up he, repeatedly request not next, plead an old carpenter to ...
2007-01-19 回答者: 171535838 2个回答 2
答:If inscribe, content as follows: this system is personnel authority management system, it mainly realizes administrator for ordinary users how authorized, how to insert, and delete an employee information, how users browse all employees and how the user inquires information, they want ...
2011-05-28 回答者: 知道网友 2个回答
问:浅谈激励在企业管理中的应用 [摘要] 如何才能使企业在激烈的市场竞争中...
答:浅谈激励在企业管理中的应用 brief discussion on the application of motivation in organisational management [abstract] how do organisations succeed in the drastic market competetion? what is the drive for a business's long term growth? in recent years, human resources is no longer ...
2006-11-27 回答者: 蝴蝶打滚 3个回答
答:"Oliver Twist" is the reality of the most famous 19th century English writer Charles Dickens novels, wide, far-reaching. The story takes place in the distant fog -- the British have talked about the twists and turns of the story : He was an orphan from birth, his mother died...
2007-01-11 回答者: daodaocora 2个回答

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